Lincoln Movie

1.. How does Lincoln describe his dream?

        2. Why does Seward (David Strathairn) think it will be hard to pass the thirteenth amendment?

        3. Why are the  Conservative Republicans, and their leader,  Preston Blair (Hal Holbrook), reluctant to pass the thirteenth Amendment?

        4. According to Lincoln, what constitutional theory did he use to justify issuing the Emancipation Proclamation?

       5. What  Insulting name does  Fernando Wood call Lincoln.

       6. According to Mary  Lincoln (Sally Field) what condition was the White House in when Lincoln became President?

        7. Lincoln often spoke in parables and allegories. Why does  Lincoln tell Thaddeus Stevens (Tommy Lee Jones) about how he used a compass when he was a surveyor?

        8. Yeaman hates slavery but is reluctant to vote to abolish it. Why?

       9. How does Lincoln modify his telegraph to  Grant?

       10. Why does Lincoln slap his son? (Joseph Gordon Levitt)

       11. Why does Lincoln say he is clothed in immense power?

       12. What is Lincoln’s “lawyers dodge”?

       13  According to Confederate Vice-President Alexander Stephens (Jackie Earl Haley), the South asks for only one thing before it returns to the Union. What is it?

        !4, Why does Lincoln tell his wife that when his second term is over, he wants to visit the Holy Land?

       15. Which Black Americans does Lincoln think should get the vote first?

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