Wells Fargo

Complete your business report and upload it in WORD or PDF format.

Business Report Assignment Directions:

Wells Fargo Bank has asked you to prepare a report and an oral presentation to help it develop policies for using electronic media (e-mail, instant messaging, texting, and social networking) for its employees. This assignment is the written report. The presentation will be a future assignment. As a management information systems or human resources consultant (your choice), you know how dangerous it is for an organization to operate without such policies.

In a report of approximately 2,100 words (7 pages), complete the following:

  • Use your imagination in establishing—and providing a written explanation of—the problem of using electronic media for communication at Wells Fargo. (Approximately 200 words)
  • Explain why precise policies that govern the use of electronic media at the workplace are vital. (Approximately 200 words)
  • Indicate how you will solve the problems of information security and customer privacy by involving key employees, technical experts, lawyers, and management, to formulate specific policies for Wells Fargo. You must include at least four policies. (Approximately 1500 words).
  • Develop a proposal for your consulting company to establish these policies for Wells Fargo. You can use your judgement to estimate the staff and the costs. You will be assessed on the presentation of the information, not the calculations. (Approximately 200 words).

Your report must include the following:

  1. Title page (1 page)
  2. Letter of transmittal (1 page)
  3. Table of contents (1 page)
  4. Executive summary (1 page)
  5. Body of report (5 pages)
  6. Works cited (1 page)

Your business report presentation will be your oral presentation of this report. Remember to review the sample report above to see the correct format.

DO NOT copy the policies taken directly from the Wells Fargo website or its affiliates. Most of them are irrelevant to this assignment, and I will be checking.

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