The aim of the coursework is to create a 15-minute oral presentation whereby you will propose an evidence-based positive psychology intervention using positive psychology theory. You will:
review the key literature and based on critical evaluation
choose either a setting, population, behavior or problem and a positive psychology intervention where more research is needed.
propose an appropriate evidence-based positive psychology intervention based on previous research.
This assessment will enable you to explore and critically evaluate positive psychology theory and interventions, which can be applied to practice within a variety of contexts. The presentation should contain the following elements (you are writing for an academic audience):
Title Slide (1 Slide)
present your proposed positive psychology interventiontitle, module title, and student number.
Introduction (Approx 1-2 Slides)
o Introduction to the topic (setting/population/behaviour/problem).
o Why is the intervention needed?
o What are the aims and objectives of the proposed intervention?
The Evidence-base for positive psychology interventions. (Approx 5-8 Slides)
o Overview of positive psychology theory.
o Reviewing the existing literature in positive psychology, what has been done previously that could inform your intervention?
o What settings have the positive psychology intervention been applied in?
o What are the benefits of using a positive psychologyapproach in this context?
o What methods have been used in the positive psychology interventions?
o Critically evaluate previous research and interventions
▪focusing on previously discussed interventions and relating to previously discussed setting/population/behaviour/problem.
The Proposed Intervention (named) (Approx 1-3 Slides)
o Briefly propose a positive psychology intervention discussing the following.
o What does the intervention involve?
o What is the target population?
o What will participants be expected to do?
o How is it measured?
▪Give an overview of the tools you will use to measure the success of your positive psychology intervention (e.g., questionnaires, interviews). Link to appropriate evidence that supports the robust nature/validity of these measures.
Conclusion (1 Slide)
o Summaries the ‘take-home’ messages of the presentation
Reference List
o Use formal academic referencing in APA 7 style
The audience for the presentation may be educated in Psychology but are not necessarily experts. The best presentations are clear and laid out to be attractive, eye-catching and informative. There are many places to find images and graphics on the Internet however you will need to ensure that you have the right to use these (i.e., they are not copyright protected). Please do not use first person terms (such as I, me, my mind and so on).
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