Anger Management for 14-18-year-olds

Final Paper-Group Proposal and Manual ; 25 points (see Appendix A and B)

For this assignment, you will develop a comprehensive manual detailing a small group (type and topic of

your choosing). After selecting a theme and age level for your group design, and having examined

current research (a minimum of 5 cited peer-reviewed articles), you are ready to develop a structured group annual. 

The manual should be functional and appropriate for ten 1-hour sessions. Information

contained within the manual should be practical and written in an explicit manner so that others could

implement the group using your manual. This project is an opportunity to be creative while grounding

your proposed group in the established research and literature on group work and your target

population. The group proposal you submit may be your original work; any submitted work that draws

heavily on developed and published work will receive a failing grade. However, you may draw from such work to enhance your original idea. All work must be referenced. Be honest about the influences and

adaptation you make to other’s work; give them credit and cite their work.  Examples: 10 week group

manual on support of adult only children who have lost both parents



A.  A review of previous research; a minimum of 3 cited references should be used to support your group design. 

1. Explain the purpose of the group. Who is it for? What issues does it address?

What type of group is it?

2. Briefly summarize and critique the literature (research, theory, descriptive) as it applies to this type of group. Describe the nature of the research and results.

3. How does the literature support the decisions for this design?

4. What are the goals for the group (what do you expect to accomplish in 10 weeks)?. Goals should reflect the group purpose, and meet the needs of the members

5. Briefly introduce pre-post assessments tools and explain how your assessments methods will determine if the goals have been reached.

6. How may members? This decision should be supported by the literature.

7. Who are the members? How are they referred (i.e. self-referral, agency referral,

court mandate, etc)? What kind of information is relevant to member seletion is a pre-session interview preferred for selection? If so, why?

8. What are the preferred member characteristics? Heterogeneous? Homogeneous?

Examples of member characteristics.

9. How are members prepared for group?

10. Who is/are the facilitator(s)? Male/Female? One/Two? Training and Experience requirements What leadership style may be best suited for this group and why?

11. When and where will the sessions be held?

12. Any additional information important for the reader of this manual.

Appendix B

Group Session Outline, plus appendix and references)

The first group session will be introductory, and the final session will be the termination session.

This leaves just 8 ‘working’ sessions; carefully consider how much a group can accomplish within each session, For each of the 10 sessions include the following:

1. THEME-What is the main idea behind the session? Be brief, one phrase, sentence, line of poetry etc. 

2. RATIONALE-The rationale explains the aims and reasoning for the session.  Sessions and activities should be selected and sequenced in some logical order. The rationale should make sense for both the learning goals of the group as well as for group development. For example, a discussion of group norms must occur in the earliest session(s) to lay the necessary foundation for important group work. In a study skills group, you would teach group members a method for effective note-taking after you had covered simpler skills, but before asking them to bring in sample notes to share with peers for feedback.

3. OBJECTIVES and BEHAVIORAL OUTCOMES: Member-oriented, instructional objectives are simple sentences stating what members are expected to learn in session. Each objective is supported by behavioral indicators (behavior outcomes) that may indicate that an objective has been met. Most sessions should contain objectives which address group development and/or therapeutic factors as well as theme content. How are you assessing that objectives and outcomes were met?

4. ACTIVITIES: What will you have members do in session, in order to meet session objectives? Each session will contain structured (or semi-structured) activities.

Activities must be carefully considered and selected to ‘fit’ the group type, purpose and member characteristics. (Example-a psychoeducational group, like a study skills group for 8th graders, would typically use structured activities, while a counseling group for college-age women focused on personal growth may use unstructured member generated activities). List activities in order with an approximate time line identified. Each activity should be briefly described, followed by three or four process questions. Activity Process questions should pertain to content of the activity (what did members learn) and member reactions (feelings). Remember process questions are unique for each activity. Specific details, procedures, and materials for activities should be included in an appendix in the back of the manual.

Be sure all information in the appendices is easy to locate.

5. SESSION PROCESSING: In addition to processing each activity, the final 10 minutes are used to process the full session. List three or four process questions related to session objectives, behavioral outcomes and member affective reactions. These are important because they help members tell you what they learned in session and how they are progressing towards group goals.

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