Arguing For Causes Or Effects

For Essay 4, write a minimum 600-word essay on a topic that focuses on the causes or effects of your choice of topic.  You can find some helpful ideas in “Cause and Effect Essay Topics,” found in Modules/Assignments.  There are about 100 topics on the site.

If you are having trouble understanding what arguing for causes and effects is all about, then take a look at the prompts below.  The key to Essay 4 is to remember to structure your essay by choosing three causes OR three effects and then developing each in its own supporting paragraph. 

Here are some sample prompts/discussion topics.  Feel free to use one of these as your topic, but you can choose any topic that you like.

  1. Why do young people not vote as much as other age groups?
  • Why are teen pregnancy rates lower than they have been in decades?
  • Why do some people follow celebrities?
  • What are the effects of high tuition costs? 
  • What are the effects of college entrance exams?

If you choose one of the ‘why’ questions, then you are arguing for causes.  What are three causes (reasons) that young people don’t vote in large numbers?  If you choose one of the ‘what’ questions, then you are arguing for effects.  What are three effects of high tuition costs?

You can use one outside source if you choose.  You are not required to use a source, and if you use a source, make sure you provide MLA citations and a works cited page.


: Review materials in and under Essay 4’s directions document.  Homework: Turn in your outline by the end of the day.

: Review first and second sample paragraphs.  Homework: turn in first two paragraphs by the end of the weekend.

: Review Concision. Work on first draft.  Homework: turn in first draft by the end of the day.

: Review proofreading assignment. Conference with instructor about first drafts.

: Last day of class. Turn in proofreading assignment by the end of the day. Turn in final draft of Essay 4 by the end of the day. Review directions for the optional Revision Essay. Review material about revising. Turn in revisions by the end of the weekend. Review what will be on the final exam. 

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