Assessment of Organizational Leadership

Accountability care organization, information governance, and strategic planning
Domain I. Data Governance, Content, and StructurI.1 Assess health care delivery systems across diverse stakeholder perspectives.

You have taken the HIM director position for an accountable care organization (ACO). One of the first areas you have been tasked to focus on is incorporation of information governance (IG) into the organization. The CEO has indicated that most administrative staff see IG as solely an HIM strategy, which deals with proper release of information and record retention or destruction. Your first recommendation is the creation of an IG team or council where you can ensure that the stakeholder understand the value of IG to the ACO and can then work together to assure compliance.
Another area of focus is the development of a new HIM strategic plan. The old strategic plan was centered around customer service (release of information) and reimbursement. Your plan is to revise the plan to include goals that include IG and ACOs.
The third area that you decide should be addressed related to registries. While the individual organizations with the ACO report to such registries as the state trauma registry or the national or state cancer registries, creation of patient registries within the ACO could be a valuable tool. This will require the support of the CEO as additional staffing will need to be hired to create and maintain the registries.
1) Evaluate the relationship of information governance to ACOs.

2) Which organizational stakeholders would you recommend be on the IG team/council for an ACO?

3) The HIM department’s strategic plan needs to be revised to include IG and ACOs. What goals would you include for those strategies?

4) Justify the use of registries in facilitating an accountable care organization’s strategies.

Acker.B. M., P. Bankowski-Petz, and C. Costello, et. Al. 2017. Information Governance Toolkit 3.0.
McClernon, S. E. 2020. Strategic Thinking and Management. Chapter 28 in Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice, 6th ed. P. Oachs and A. Watters, eds. Chicago: AHIMA.
Viola, A. and L. Washington. 2011. Accountable Care: Implications for Managing Health Information. AHIMA Thought Leadership Series.
Washington, L. 2015. Information Governance Offers a Strategic Approach for Healthcare. Journal of AHIMA 8 (11):56-59
White, S., C. Kallem, A. Viola, and J. Bronnett. 2011. An ACO primer: Reviewing the proposed rule on accountable care organizations. Journal of AHIMA. 82(6):48-50

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