Topic: The Dual Challenge (1000 words) – scientific paper APA style referencing.
I want to teach you 3 things:
- Teach you how to systematically approach a complex scientific problem.
- Teach you how to effectively communicate science to a global audience.
- Teach you the intricacies of the energy resources, and the large scale impacts on global population and global climate.
Intro topic: In his TED-talk “The Dual Challenge”, Prof Scott Tinker (geologist) states the paradox that the global population needs affordable and reliable energy, but that we also need to protect the environment. See video attached!
Prompt: write a scientific paper where you will discuss the optimal energy mix for a region of your interest keeping those dual interests in mind.
Suggested structure:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
• In this essay I will…. (state problem, REFERENCE to Tinker)
• Why important – state relevance (why do I need to read it??)
• Energy consumption (demand) of your region now, past and future – ADD REFERENCES
• Current energy mix of your region now, past and future – ADD REFERENCES
• How will you address the paradox – mention the structure of your essay
Paragraph 2: Non-renewable earth resources (coal, oil, gas, uranium)
• How does coal/oil/gas/uranium form? – ADD REFERENCES
• What is the energy density of coal/oil/gas/uranium? – ADD REFERENCES
• What are the advantages coal/oil/gas/uranium?- ADD REFERENCES
• What are the disadvantages coal/oil/gas/uranium?- ADD REFERENCES
Paragraph 3. Renewable earth resources (solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, others)
• How does energy generation work for solar/wind/geothermal/hydro?- ADD REFERENCES
• What is the energy density of solar/wind/geothermal/hydro? – ADD REFERENCES
• What are the advantages of solar/wind/geothermal/hydro?- ADD REFERENCES
• What are the disadvantages of solar/wind/geothermal/hydro?- ADD REFERENCES
Paragraph 4. Global Climate change and the Milankovich cycli
• How do the Milankovich cycli explain climate change on long timescales?
• What is the hockey-stick climate curve and how does it show short term climate change?
• How does this relate to the topics discussed above?
Paragraph 5. Conclusion
• Summarize main findings
• Recommend an optimal energy mix for the region of your interest based on energy demand and availability of resources. This can be the ONLY sentence in your work without a reference.
Paragraph 6. Bibliography – use reference software! Scientific references ONLY!
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