COVID-19 and its Variants

  1. For this assignment, you’ll write a paper in which you discuss a current issue in education: the impact of COVID 19 and its variants(Delta & Omicron) on education and schooling. Be sure to review the information on the syllabus and that you can describe thoroughly, its relevant to your current or future role as a school leader, and for which there are a variety of high-quality research resources available.

  2. Upon completion of this paper, you will post it in the discussion forum labeled “Module 2 Assignment 1.” In Module 2, you will read and respond to your classmates’ papers. This means that your paper will be read by your classmates, and your writing should be framed in a way that’s appropriate for a wider readership than just the instructor. Please be sure to allow enough time for thoughtful reading and response.
  • Select  a relevant issue in education and write a paper about it with the following sections:
    • DEFINITION: Definition of the issue including some of the key sticking points, challenges, and context if the issue is controversial
    • GOALS: List the goals/pros for the issue
    • CONCERNS: List the concerns/cons for the issue
    • RESOLUTION: Recommended actions that meet the goals and address the concerns and/or briefly address any needed strategies for managing controversy within the school community
    • Provide citations from appropriate sources as needed. These sources can include peer-reviewed journals, reliable news media, but should not include sources that do not engage in active fact-checking and editing (e.g., a blog posted by a politically active group or individual).
    • In order to provide the level of detail and analysis required for a full-credit score, your paper should be at least 3 pages (excluding your reference list and title page). You will not need to submit an abstract for this assignment.

    While you should be using full APA style conventions in writing this paper, you do not need to submit an abstract. Your work on this paper will be assessed mainly on the quality of the information and analysis provided in each of the headings above. Please take the time to review the detailed rubric attached to this assignment for more specific grading criteria.

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