Criminal Psychology Coursework

Assessment 1

  1. Research the role of the Criminal Psychology in your country. Make notes on what a criminal psychologist does, where they will work, what sort of tasks they have in relation to their job.
  • Define crime – write a one page on how we define crime.
  • Are the following acts crimes? Write about one paragraph for each act. Use the notes from theories above to illustrate why you think the act is or isn’t a crime.
    • Suicide
    • Euthanasia
    • Polluting a lake

Other Details

●                   In the subject line always include: the assessment number, the course name and your student number.

●                   Type all assignments in a clear and legible font

Assessment 2

  1. Write a one page essay on the psychological approach to crime.
  • Write a one page essay on the nature-nurture debate, focussing on criminal behaviour.

Assessment 3

Carry out library and internet research into either:

a.         murder

b.         rape

  1. Define serious crime.
  • Write an essay (up to one page) on the serious crime you researched in your set task.

Assessment 4

  1. Define learning disabilities
  • People with learning disabilities may sometimes lack understanding of the crime and the criminal justice system. Discuss this in one to two paragraphs

Assessment 5

  1. Write a 500 word essay on what psychopaths exactly are in your own words. You may refer to the course content and 3rd party resources.
  • What signs in childhood show the potential to become a psychopath in adulthood?
  • What is the prognosis for psychopaths?

Assessment 6

Choose a crime, such as shoplifting, sexual assault, murder, theft etc.  Carry out library or internet research on the differences between female and males committing this crime.

  1. Submit an essay (up to 500 words) on the findings from your set task
  • Discuss the differences in the types of crimes committed by men and women (up to 500 words)
  • Discuss the differences in male and female sexual assaults (up to 300 words).

Assessment 7

Find out the rates of criminal behaviour among young people in your city, state or country.

  1. Submit your findings from the set task.
  • What are the differences in offending between male and female young people?
  • What factors are thought to influence whether a young person becomes an offender?
  • Define a young offender.

Assessment 8

Carry out research into the use of psychology by the police. Write notes.

  1. Write a brief essay (up to 500 words) on the use of psychology by the police.
  • Why is crime thought to be socially constructed?
  • Define reconstructive memory.

Assessment 9

Carry out library or internet research into stereotyping in the courtroom.

Make notes.

  1. Write an essay, around 1000 words on the impact of stereotyping in the courtroom. Use notes from your research and the lesson.

Assessment 10

  1. Search online for information on the types of punishment used in your country. Write an essay up to 500 words on the type of punishment used in your country. Describe up to two different examples.
  • Define the following terms:
    • Rehabilitation model of punishment
    • Education model of punishment
    • An eye for an eye
    • Mirror punishment

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