Cultural Practices Event

  1. Earn extra credit—optional.   Each student choosing to earn up to 100 extra credit points must write and submit a paper according to the following specifications:
  1. You need to remotely, and fully, participate in a live event featuring the cultural practices (linguistic, artistic, culinary, athletic, historic, academic, etc.) of one of the following dominated groups in the U.S.:   German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Native, Latino, African, Asian, or Female Americans.
    • This event must be about a dominated group to which you do not belong.
    • The event must also be officially facilitated this Quarter by a any of the aforementioned dominated groups.
    • Include in the seven-page, and single space, paper the following:
  2. A title page (first page).
  3. A subheading and description of each of the following:
    1. Introduction and thesis statement (second page), making sure to end the introduction with your intent of what you are going to cover in your paper, including offering specific and new recommendations for the leaders of the family, school, government, business, mass media, and religious institutions in your local community (and for you personally) to promote the culturally enriching practices of the dominated group you participated in.
    2. Name and description of the cultural activities you participated in (third page);
    3. Name and description of the key claims of symbolic interaction theory (fourth page)–consult an introductory to sociology textbook other than the one required for this class and the Encyclopedia of Sociology to find the exact claims of that theory;
    4. Application of the key claims of symbolic interaction theory to explain each cultural practice and activity you named and described (fifth page);
    5. Name, description, and illustrating example of seven new/separate/specific ways (one for the family, one for the church, one for the school, one for the government, one for the business, one for the mass media, and one for you personally) in which the positive and culturally enriching practices and events of the group you participated in, and are writing your paper about, can be promoted and celebrated in your local community (sixth and seventh pages), and;
    6. You need to attach to this paper the official announcement of  the live cultural event you viewed remotely.
    7. This paper must be submitted to Professor via Canvas, on, and following the directions specified under “MODULE 16,” “EXTRA-CREDIT PAPER.”

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