Effectiveness Of Communication Technology


Denning and Raj (2011) posit that “Masterful time management means not just tracking of

messages in your personal environment, but managing your coordination network with others.”

In the same vein, the project manager explains that a software is considered effective “if it is real time, on time…in the sense that I want something now and I want it done now, processing period is fast, response period is perfect…time is key in this operation…so effectiveness is about timely delivery…on time real time….”

While speaking, the chief executive officer says also “if I get the information I need on time without having to wait for somebody. That is my drive…so effectiveness to me is when I need any information and it’s at my fingertips without having to call any member of staff….”
On this note, we might take it that the ability to coordinate the pools of information gathered through the electronic technology is considered a form of effectiveness by the decision makers. In other words, a technology is regarded as effective if it helps them in transcending the constraints of time.

The project manager in his submissions emphasized that the preference for the ‘Continulink’ (the technology software being used at present by them, stemmed from the fact that it is more reliable because it is not computer or server based but web-based. He terms it as a “software as service
technology”. He states that, “the new software that is web based, apart from flexibility of access at any point in time, it is robust, it gives us what we desire.”
According to him, the web based technology eliminates the risks of data loss when servers experience a shut down or problems and also, the server based technologies always require special access to the server to be able to work. In other words, there are certain restrictions on the server based technologies therefore the reliability of a technology is key to effectiveness.
Flexibility of Access and Virtualization:

The office manager explains that effectiveness connotes reliability, internet based system and being able to work from anywhere without necessarily being physically present in the office defines reliability. From her statement, we might understand it that effectiveness from her point of view is more embedded in the advantages of virtualization of office that is, being able to transcend the constraints of time, space and distance all at the same time which as earlier noted in this paper is one of the main attributes/advantages of information technology systems.
The intake coordinator in her opinion/ take states that effectiveness in communication technology use means, “you have what you want, to do your job.”
The client care and scheduling coordinator puts effectiveness of software as: “if it makes me work harder and if it makes my life/work easier.” This might be understood as saying that a technology or software is regarded as effective when it helps to get more work done with less effort.
From the opinions of respondents above and based on our understanding of the theory or technology acceptance model, we discover a link between the factor of perceived usefulness and the idea of effectiveness painted by the responses above. In other words, the usefulness of a software technology in helping to preserve timeliness, virtualization, and ease are the defining yardsticks for effectiveness.

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