Engineering and Sustainable Development

  1. Your broad theme in this assignment is Engineering and Sustainable Development. You must choose and write a short essay on one of the following topics
  2. E-Waste
  3. Impact of Textiles and Fast Fashion on the environment and sustainable development goals.
  4. Electric Vehicles / Battery recycling

3) Choose three issues in the topic you have chosen which in your opinion are against the spirit of engineering codes of ethics.

a) State each issue briefly and clearly

b) state how the issue you have identified is against the spirit/ intention of the COEs.

c) Explain the significance of the violation and its implications for engineers, the reputation of engineering as a profession and for the safety of (non-engineering) general public.

4)As you think about this assignment please remember that your task is not simply to focus on what is written in the CoEs; instead it is to understand and explain why is it written / included in a CoE (hence the spirit of CoE).

5) Codes of Ethics are constantly revised and modified. There is one point for originality and critical thinking. You will get this point for  identifying areas/ issues where you feel the CoEs are silent. You can argue that the engineering profession faces new kinds of moral challenges in the 21st century brings (in context of issues you highlight) and these must be added to the CoEs.

6) Your response should be between 600 – 650 words, double spaced, 1-inch margins, 12- point font (Times New Roman / Arial). Remember the range for the word limit is firm and points will be deducted if you fall short or go in excess of this limit.

Grading Rubric

Mechanics and Grammar (Max 3.0 points)

3.0: No significant errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, or usage. Graceful sentences with appropriate variety of structures. Words are chosen precisely. Writing is vigorous and engaging.

2.0: Minor errors of mechanics and grammar. Occasionally awkward sentences. Active verbs are used, with few superfluous or poorly chosen words. Some pronouns without clear referents

1.0: Numerous errors in grammar and substandard usage. Several cumbersome and unclear sentences. Wordy, excessive nominalizations, weak verbs

Reference/ connection between the issue chosen and how it defies the CoEs (Max 3 points)

3.0: highlights 3 specific issues and identifies tension with the spirit of the CoE

2.0: specific and correct references to at least 2 actions and violations of CoE

1.0: specific and correct reference to at least 1 action and violation of CoE

Originality –Deficiency in CoEs (Max 1 point)

1.0 – identifies areas on which the CoEs are silent and recommends how they should be modified in light of new moral challenges facing engineers in the 21st century.

0.5 – identifies areas on which the CoEs are silent

Format (Total 0.5 point)

0.5: Double-spaced, in 12-point type, with one-inch margins. Submitted on time. 600-650 words in length with word count printed at the end of the paper. Separate title page with name and submission date.  Aggie Honor Code signed by the student on the cover page

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