Evidence-Based Practice Policy

Topic: Development of an Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guideline Scholarly policy with poster about Prevention of Pressure Injury

I have attached my PICO question and some references on the subject.

This MUST be from a nursing intervention approach.  Medications, lab/ x-ray testing or other items requiring a provider order is not nursing.  Collaboration in care actions may be included through appropriate channels like obtaining orders for nursing to implement.  Topics that would require changes in staffing are not within scope of this paper. Your Policy is evidence-based and required references from your evidence table and summary and will use the template found in the CANVAS assignment.  Attach your tables to the policy document.   The document requires a title page, policy content, references, and tables according to APA student paper format.

Policy format:

  • Policy applies to: (population of patients)
  • Rationale:
  • Objectives:
  • Implementation: (steps in how to implement the policy)
  • Evaluation:
  • References:
  • USE the attached policy template form 

After development of the policy, develop a power point one page poster for a presentation. Your poster should convey your policy information in a clear and concise manner. 

Poster Development Guidelines

Use the provided attached power point template.  Complete each area considering the guidelines for posters below.  You must have content in each area of the poster as designated. You will be including more than policy content.  You need to have a measurable goal to determine effectiveness.  Implementation plan must include brief timeline, resources, stakeholders, how to overcome barriers, and dissemination method.  The poster is attached in files.

GUIDELINES for quality posters:

  • Prepare your e-poster as an electronic version replicating what a physical poster would look like.
  • No animations or embedded video are permitted.
  • Use PowerPoint to prepare your e-poster. Your e-poster should be created on a single slide (one slide only). Template provided in CANVAS.
  • Use the headings in the template.   These are key features for understanding the data presented.
  • Text and legends for figures should be short. Make sure to use large, clear, easy-to-read print for text and legends.
  • The use of color adds emphasis and draws interest to the presentation
  • Seek simplicity; keep text to a minimum and avoid redundancies.
  • Don’t overuse, bold fonts and colors.
  • Facts should be single phrases or words.
  • Define unfamiliar or complex terms as simply as possible.
  • Use pictorial or graphic illustrations to clarify and enhance a message. Figures and tables should cover approximately 50 percent of the poster area.
  • Use a consistent font throughout.
  • Use a minimal amount of punctuation. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms where possible, especially in the conclusions.
  • The viewer should be able to grasp the total message in five minutes.
  • Use your references from the policy.

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