Fairytale Peer Review

  1. Summarize the story. Who are the characters? What are their motivations? What is the setting? In what time is it taking place? Is all this information clear to you?
  • Using Freytag’s pyramid (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution), map the story. You may list in bullet points.
  • Is this a fairytale? How do you know? What fairytale elements are being used? Can you easily recognize the form?

 Does this fairytale include a lesson or moral? If so, what is it and is it effective? What do you feel that you gained in reading it? What was the story trying to express?

  • Did the writer employ narrative techniques to draw you in as a reader? What were they? Highlight a section (or a few) that you thought was really effective writing and explain why.
  • Does the writer avoid grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors? Proofread their work and mark anywhere you see a problem so that they can revise.
  • What fairytales does this fairytale seem to be referencing? Are they too alike another fairytale for it to feel original (this is especially important if they’ve done a radical revision). WHAT IS THIS FAIRYTALE ADDING TO THE DISCOURSE OF FAIRYTALES THAT CAME BEFORE IT?
  • What is the topic/thesis of the reflection essay? Does it answer at least some of the questions in the prompt (Option 1 Part 2)? What did you learn from reading the reflection?
  • Is the reflection written in logical paragraphs that have internal transitions and cohesion? Are there topic sentences that clearly articulate what each paragraph will be about?
  • Are there 5 scholarly sources in use? Does the paper follow
  1. Alright, now you can tell them how much you liked it. And why.

Option 2: Research Paper

  1. Which option did your peer choose from the 3 options on the prompt? Is it clear that their project aligns with the prompt? How so?
  • What is the topic of this research paper? What is the thesis?
  • Summarize the main argument and the main ideas from the research here (you may use bullet points).
  • Are the paragraphs in the logical order? Is there internal cohesion and are transitions used within the paragraphs and between the paragraphs? If so, point out a specific example of where your peer does a great job with this! If not, what are some places in which your peer needs revision?
  • Are there topic sentences that clearly articulate what each paragraph will be about? Copy them down here. Do these topic sentences, combined and summarized, more or less reiterate their thesis?
  • Are they using 5 scholarly sources in the most effective way for the paper? Does the evidence prove their topic sentence and their thesis overall?
  • Is their analysis effective in making their position clear and building an argument or is it repetitive? If effective, find a specific example and explain why you think it’s effective. If repetitive, can you find a specific example and suggest a concrete revision?
  • Is their research paper fully formed or does there seem to be a gap in their argument? Did they use the best examples/sources for their text, or can you think of any others that may make their argument stronger?
  • What did you like about their paper?

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