Forensic Science

Introduction The Career that the presentation is on is MEDICAL EXAMINER
There are multiple different ways for you to present/record yourself for this assignment. You may select the one that is the most appropriate for you. Here are some links to help you out, but you do not HAVE to use any of these resources. The only requirement for your video is that it includes your slides and either video or audio of you presenting the information. Your slides also do not have to be PowerPoint slides – you can use Prezi, Canva, Slides, Google Slides or anything else that presents a slide-show style presentation.
• Recording a Quick Video in CanvasLinks to an external site.
• How to record a presentation within Canvas StudioLinks to an external site.
• How to Record PowerPoint Presentations with Audio and VideoLinks to an external site.
• Record Keynote presentations on MacLinks to an external site.
For the second week, you will watch the career presentations and learn about a variety of different career fields in forensic science. For the second week, you are required to comment/ask questions on other student presentations. If someone asks you a question, you can reply and answer it by the due date for bonus points.
Additionally, you have been provided with links to some really great resources in the forensic field when it comes to looking for jobs. You are not required to use them, but you may find them helpful while you are creating your assignment.
You will research your chosen career-MEDICAL EXAMINER and create a PowerPoint (or equivalent) presentation. You will present this presentation virtually, by recording video and/or audio of yourself presenting the information to the class. The presentation should then be posted to Canvas for other students to watch. If you select to only include audio, you MUST also include your slides. It cannot simply be an .mp3 recording (for example) of you talking. There must be something on the screen for people to look at and follow along with you. Note: Any student that does not include BOTH their slides AND their voice presenting will receive and automatic 50% deduction in the grade.
Your presentation will consist of the following sections:
• Title (5 points): Has the career path title, your name, and the class/semester this presentation is for.
• Description (15 points): Provide a brief overview of the job. Describe what someone of this career does in a short description.
• Required education (15 points): Describe the educational background required for this position. Does it require any specific degree? Does it require a certain level of education?
• Potential employers (5 points): Outline all the places that you can find where this particular person may work – forensic labs, police departments, schools/universities, private government contractors, federal law enforcement agencies, etc.
• Disqualifiers (15 points): Is there anything that would prevent someone from being able to seek a job in this field? Provide sources to backup your claims.
• Current or recent job listings (25 points): Provide clickable links to recent job listings for that specific job. They can be from any agency legitimately advertising for that position. You must provide at least 5, all must list the requirements and starting salary. At least one listing must be CURRENT, the others may have closed within the last 6 months.
• Visual appeal/Presentation (15 points): Must contain more than just text on slides – put some pictures in there, if you want to put a short video in there, do it. Make it visually appealing. Also, do not have typos or use excessive wording. Make it succinct and to the point. USE SPELL CHECK. If you’re unsure about how to word something, have someone else read it through to double check. You will lose points if we can’t understand what you’re saying or if it detracts from your presentation. If your slides have excessive wording and you are simply reading off of them for your presentation, you will lose half credit in this category automatically.
• Resources (10 points): Provide a list of the resources you used to complete this assignment. You must also cite the sources as they are used (aka a citation needs to appear on the slide you used the information on) in your presentation.
• Replies (25 points, graded separately): You must watch at least 3 other presentations and ask questions/make comments on their presentation. If you make comments, they must be significant and more than just “Good job!”. If someone asks you a question on your presentation and you reply with an appropriate answer, you will receive one bonus point per question (up to 5 total points).

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