General Health Research Paper

Here are some areas of focus, the topics need to be narrowed.

  • Sleep; When is the best time to go to sleep?; Going to sleep when the Sunsets.
  • Benefits of sleep.
  • Polyphasic Sleep Cycling.  
  • Nutrition Challenges of eating healthy in the urban environment.
  • Benefits of intermittent fasting.
  • Does Hydrogen Peroxide prevent the Spread of STD and STI?
  • Foods that prevent cancer. How and why.
  • A Holistic Approach to Cancer Treatment.  Benefits and problems of Holistic treatment.
  • The benefits of Cyberknife treatment? (New Cancer treatment)
  • Stress and Disease; How does stress cause disease?
  • How to apply imagery in your daily life to improve your functioning.
  • Effects of social media on your physical psychological health.
  • How does meditation improve anxiety?
  • How does exercise affect diabetes, depression, and or Cancer?
  • Benefits of having children when you are younger or older.
  • How does radiation from electronic devices affect your body?


3–4-page double-spaced paper written. Times New Roman. Include at least 2 citations in APA style.

Must have a cover page and reference page.

Grades will be determined according to the following criteria:

•       Complete knowledge (summary of your topic)            5 Points

•       Summary of published research/APA Citation           5 Points

•       Communication (grammar, tense)                              5 Points

•       Critical Thinking (what you learned)                           10 points

Papers should include the following. 

1.     Depth of knowledge and attention to detail.

2.     Relevance. All materials presented must be relevant to your topic.

3.     Clarity. Your paper should be clear, well organized, and well written.

4.     Academic standards should be met: Backing up claims, proper citation of references, logical, and neat. 

5.     Most importantly why did you choose the topic.  Make it personal to YOU.

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