Health Literacy Assignment

Complete the following steps, many of which you will report on the coversheet (below).

  1. Choose a document that is intended for client education from If the link doesn’t work, go to AOTAàabout OTà Patients and Clients and then select either children or adults. I would suggest that you look for a topic that may be relevant to the population you are working with on fieldwork, so that perhaps you can share with them what you make for this assignment. That’s up to you, though. If you wish to use materials from a different source, check with Beckie first.
  2.  Select and copy the text you plan to use as a starting point. About 600 words, more or less. You will probably not use the whole handout you started with.
  3. Use this online readability calculator and report your scores for grade level of the selection of text that you plan to use:   “GOAL is 7th grade level”

Tip: If your text is already at a 6th or 7th grade level, I’d suggest you look for something else. It is already too close to what you want to achieve.

  • Put your text into a table like the one I showed you in class. I have provided one in the coversheet below.
    • For each chunk of text, identify what changes are needed.
    • Revise the text on the table by shortening and simplifying the sentences and using common words. Avoid metaphors and idioms (for example, say “use less” rather than “cut down on”). Consider what could be converted into a bulleted list.
  • Now copy and paste your revised text (the right column of your table) into the online calculator and record the grade level score. Aim for about a 6th grade level (a little above that is ok too).
  • Name your audience and a communication objective. These are up to you to consider and create. In the example I showed you in class, my audience is parents or caregivers of children. According to the CDC, “a communication objective is what you want your audience to think, feel, or do after they receive the message or material.” Part of this is naming your audience. My communication objective is: Parents/caregivers will feel more comfortable talking with children about their feelings of grief.
  • Handout:
    • Copy your revised text onto a PowerPoint slide and format it into an appealing handout. It is okay if you decide to add or delete information once you are at this stage, so long as it contributes to a clearer and more informative handout for your client/client group.
    • Formatting: As you finalize your handout, make sure you have followed the suggestions from the PowerPoint including:
      • Leave plenty of white space.
      • Define or illustrate any words or concepts that may be unfamiliar to your audience.
      • Use organization, layout, bulleted lists, fonts and images to make the document inviting and easy to understand.
      • Sources: Give a full APA-formatted reference for your source at the bottom of the page, beginning with the words “Adapted from:”. Also, credit the source of any pictures by adding the link just below the image in small print, or elsewhere on the document.
  • Write Reflection: Complete the final sections of your coversheet regarding what you feel good about in your handout and what you struggled with or are not certain about.
  • Completed cover sheet including link to your original text
  • The handout you made.

Cover Sheet for Health Literacy Assignment



Source of original document (copy link):

Copy the selection of text you plan to adapt from that document here:

_________=  Grade level score of original text:


Complete this table (it can expand as you type into it)

Original textYour comments/How to improveRevised text

________ = Grade level score of revised text:


My audience is:

My communication objective is:

What I feel good about regarding the handout I made:

What I struggled with or am not sure about:

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