Healthcare Delivery System

Midterm Analysis Paper

Select a “real world” healthcare delivery system or healthcare organization.  Your selection may be nationally renowned such as the Mayo Clinic or UCLA Medical Center, a local hospital, physician’s practice, LTC facility, etc. that exhibits high quality in your opinion and/or experience.  The intent of this assignments is to research and apply your learning and application of the course material in Weeks 1-4 through objective analysis and critical thinking of this organization’s quality mission, voice of customer initiatives, and outcomes.  The analysis paper should be well thought out, precise in content, presented in a logical flow, etc. while using academic rigor.

Be sure to review the grading rubric so you clearly understand how you will be assessed on the following elements:  APA formatting, mechanics, organization, paper originality, content, and critical thinking. 

Required Content:

  1. Introduction to present a comprehensive overview of the paper as required by APA guidelines (no heading). Your introduction should clarify the topic of the paper and the focus of the analysis is specific.
  2. Present an overview of the healthcare delivery system organization including specific operational data (bed size, outpatient or inpatient data, accreditation, certification, licensure, etc.); describe the scope of services provided; executive and quality leadership (no names, just titles and area of responsibility).
  3. Describe how quality is viewed, defined, and measured by this organization.  Be specific.
  4. Also, include at least 2 key quality topics learned thus far in Weeks 1-4 such as:  leadership, systems including process orientation and implementation strategies, quality tools and strategies, clinical processes, voice of customer focus, etc. into the body of the paper to support your analysis of healthcare quality by your selected organization. Be sure they are all clearly tied in to your particular setting and there is clear interpretation of your evidence.
  5. A conclusion should summarize the paper without introducing new information.

Required Format: 

  1. Microsoft word saved as a .doc or .docs file using the
    1. APA referencing style
  2. Times New Roman, 12point font. Double spaced using the following required headings: Organizational Overview, Quality Defined and Measured, Conclusion and APA References. 
  3. Length: 2 full pages, no more than 3 pages (excluding title and reference pages), and double spaced. Your writing requires succinct, precise and concise academic writing to convey the most important required content in the page requirements. Exceeding the 3 pages will result in a reduction of one full letter grade for not complying with content requirements.  This length requires students to use the most relevant content that is clear, concise and directly meets the assignment requirements.
  • References: You must use at least 2 professional and/or scholarly references, legislative bills, etc. in the body and cited in APA style to support your content.  These references must also be listed on the last page of your essay in an APA reference page.  
  • Mechanics: Use third person, correct grammar and spelling, and mechanics for high quality academic paper. Recommendation is to use Microsoft Office’s spelling and grammar check regularly as well as institutional writing resources.
  • Originality:  Content must be original for this class, not recycled, and no exhibition of plagiarism in accordance with institutional policy. Turnitin will be utilized. 

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