- Sugar production in the Americas
- The Protestant Reformation
- The Columbian Exchange in its ramification
- The success and failures of Jamestown
- The Head Right System and its relevance to the New World
- The Impact of Tobacco in Virginia
- Bacon’s Rebellion
- Puritanism in New England
- The passage from Servitude to Slavery
- The Salem Witch Trials
- Anne Hutchinson and the criticism of the puritan ministry
- The Pequot War
- Slavery in the Caribbean and the Carolinas
- The Quakers
- The Glorious Revolution and its impact on Colonial America
- The Dominion of New England
- Mercantilism and England’s Navigation Acts
- The Middle Passage
- The Stono Rebellion and its significance
- The Great Awakening
- The Sugar Act of 1764
- The Stamp Act Crisis
- The lasting effect of the Townshend Duties
- The Committees of Correspondence
- The impact of the Boston Massacre
- The Intolerable Acts
- Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and its effect on American Ideology
- The Declaration of Independence
- Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation
- The Lost Colony of Roanoke
- The Impact of the French and Indian War on colonial ideas of freedom
- Loyalists vs. Patriots
- The Battle of Saratoga
- The Battle of Yorktown
- The Treaty of Paris
- Women’s role in the American Revolution
- The Constitution
- The Bill of Rights and its creation
- The significance of the Whiskey Rebellion
- The Alien and Sedition Acts
- The Fugitive Slave Laws
- Marbury V. Madison
- Jefferson’s internal conflict over the Louisiana Purchase
- Impressment of Seamen
- The ascendance of Andrew Jackson
- The Era of Good Feelings
- The Missouri Compromise
- The Trail of Tears
- The Spoils System
- The lasting impact of the Nullification Crisis
- Horace Man and Public School Reform
- The McCormick Reaper
- The New York Stock Exchange
- Frederick Douglas
- Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
- The Alamo and its linkage to the Texas Revolution
- The Impact of the Telegraph
- The Wilmot Proviso
- The Compromise of 1850
- The Know Nothings
- The beating of Charles Sumner and its lasting impact
- The significance of Dred Scott v. Sandford
- The advantages and disadvantages of the Union and the Confederacy
- The assault on Fort Sumter
- The Anaconda plan
- The Battle of Antietam
- The Emancipation Proclamation
- Blacks in the Union Army
- The Battle of Gettysburg
- The New York Draft Riots
- Cotton Diplomacy
- William Sherman’s march through the South
- Abraham Lincoln
- The LeCompton Constituition
- The Wilmot Proviso.
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