Implementing a Secure Online System

Tasks and Marks distribution: 


This assignment requires you to design and develop a functional secure system. The assignment consists of the following elements: 

  • A functional prototype of a secure online system. This part will be evidenced via the access links to a deployed solution and CU GitHub repo with appropriate considerations around the developed prototype. 
  • An individual report of 2000 words that will describe the development process and report on its success, evaluation and fitness for purpose must be written by every student. That report needs to be submitted via Aula (TurnItIn) by the assignment deadline.   

The weighting is 100% including both elements.

ABC Air is a small aircraft service company that carry out the aircraft maintenance for the civil operators. The company records the total number of flying hours for each aircraft, servicing time, man-hours of the engineers and related maintenance.

Your task is to implement a secure on-line system. The prototype should maintain the following functionality: 

  • Create records for a new air frame
  • Log Flight hours for an air frame
  • Log scheduled maintenance for an air frame
  • Maintain a list of engineers
  • Assign maintenance tasks to engineers.

Practical Element Information 

During the practical/lab sessions, you will be required to complete a set of workshops that will help you to familiarise yourself with the tools and practices needed for the completion of the practical element, which covers all the learning outcomes.  

Evidence for Practical Element 

  1. Design (25%):  
    1. Produce a design for the system to be implemented and explain what design and security principles have been considered and why. 
    1. Describe how the chosen principles or features enhance the functioning and security of that system in this stage of the development life-cycle. 
  2. Development (25%): 
    1. Produce a prototype that complies with the design provided in 1.a-b above
    1. Demonstrate the functionality and security mechanisms of the prototype in accordance with the existing secure development standards and methodologies. 
  3. Security (25%): 
    1. Demonstrate the use of testing and analysis techniques 
    1. Propose the possible solutions for the issues discovered in 3.a
  4. Formal Methods (25%): 
    1. Application of formal methods, specifically automata, to produce the behavioural model of the system that will be based on the design or development stage of the system life-cycle. 
    1. Convert the automata model into the respective Petri net model and then verify the correctness of the system with respect to its specification using the appropriate verification techniques and tools.     


The complete source code and related documentation MUST be supplied (e.g., Visual Studio solution – CU GitHub repository). The source code should be appropriately and correctly commented. You should also identify any assumptions that you have made.

The deadline for this coursework is on.  Both, the CU GitHub commits, and deployment MUST be completed before the submission deadline. The members of teaching team must be added as collaborators to your private CU GitHub repo.

Your work will be marked using the provided grading rubric.

Individual Report Brief 

The following issues, in relation to the prototype developed in the practical element of the assignment, have to be included:

  1. System documentation: 
    1. Explanation of the methods and techniques followed in the practical task for the development of the system
    1. Discussion of all the stages of the development life-cycle (e.g., specification, design, development, etc.)
  2. Legal consideration:
    1. Legislation considered with respect to the system developed in the practical part

Individual Report Information 

At the end of the module, you will be expected to submit an individual report. This must be entirely your own work. The report is based on the practical element that you have completed and should generally report on the development process and the evaluation of the prototype system. You should also identify any assumptions that you have made. 

This element is not assessed separately from the practical one. Therefore, your report will be marked using the same grading rubric as that of the practical element.   

Evidence for Individual Reflective Report  

  1. The stages of the life-cycle that have been followed for the development of the system
    1. Describe the design, development and testing methods used for the successful completion and evaluation of the developed prototype 
    1. Explain the strengths and limitations of the prototype and propose further improvements. c. Legal Considerations: 
      1. Describe the legislation that should be considered for the development of the system under consideration.  
      1. Provide explanation of how and why the legislation considered applies to this specific system.
  2. The access links to:
    1. the deployed solution
    1. The CU GitHub repo. 


You are required to submit a 2000-word individual report in a PDF format via TurnItIn. The deadline for this coursework is on 8th December 2021 at 6 pm.  

Additional Information

To assist you with the realistic data you may consider the following:

To deploy the developed prototype, you may consider MS Azure platform:

Alternatively, you could choose a platform suitable for your prototype system.

Assignment/Coursework Resit 

The two elements of the assignment described above are NOT assessed separately. To pass the module, the grade for the assignment needs to be 40% or above. If your grade falls below this, then you need to resit the coursework. If you defer the assignment, you will be required to accomplish the resit assignment and you will not be allowed to resubmit your original work. 

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