Implications of CSR

Please write up an annotated bibliography or literature review of 7-8 sources. The purpose is two-fold: First, you are showing that you have begun the process of collecting sources for your research paper; and second, you are demonstrating that you are making connections between these articles/books and your question/problem/ hypothesis.

If your research question looks at CSR, you should have some sources providing more information on what CSR is, its history, its implications. If your question addresses issues of the impact of big business agriculture on Honduras, you’ll want to find articles with information about what the agriculture sector overall looks like.

In this 6-7 page essay, you will not quote from these sources, but rather can paraphrase the arguments.

Please order your bibliography alphabetically. Again, I’m looking for 7-8 different sources. Each source will be cited fully and consistently (I don’t care which format you use). Author, title, journal name or publisher, and date is a good standard. Don’t just give me the URL or website address.

At least three (3) of the sources must be a research study from a peer-reviewed journal. The other sources can be data, news articles, or websites.

Below each title, briefly describe the source.  Information can include a summary of the author’s argument, her findings, and, most importantly, why the article/book relates to your research project. You are welcome to evaluate how credible the source is, using CRAAP. C=currency (how timely is the sources) R= Relevant (how the information fits into your needs) A=Authentic and Accurate (how reliable and correct it is) and P= Purpose (why was it written).  2-3 paragraphs for each source should do it. You might use some of this material in your research paper! 

Please be sure to include your research question at the beginning of the paper*. And, if one of your sources has a different research question that you like better, go ahead and switch your project! It’s rare that a question is original. I’m looking for original thinking.

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