Market Structures in Microeconomics

Part 1:

Create a infographic template of one page –  Quick Reference Card or Handy Notes – for one market. You can use Powerpoint or Word. Remember you can customize the size of Powerpoint slide to create your template.

Pick one market structures in the economy you learned in Microeconomics – Perfect Competition  or Monopolistic Competition or Monopoly or Oligopoly. Choose eight aspects from the list below and include in your INFOGRAPHIC.

Aspects that can be included are:

  • Number of firms
  • Buyes & sellers
  • Variety of goods
  • Price controls
  • Barriers to entry
  • Examples of products/industries
  • Price and Output determination in short run
  • Price and Output determination in long run
  • Demand curves
  • Government controls or intervention
  • Profit determination in short run and long run
  • Advantages & disadvantages
  • Useful equations/formulas

All information must come from your textbook. Include the page number for all the information you include in the Infographic.

You may use information from the internet to present information on no more than two aspect (from below). Make sure you provide the source of information.

Part 2:

The final step for the project is to  add a two minute audio file explaining the aspects of market structures you mentioned in the infographic.

Rubric: The INFOGRAPHIC Final Project will be graded on the criteria listed in the rubric attached to the assignment. The focus is on Critical Thinking Skills (CT) – creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information

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