Marketing Mix Analysis

For a company/brand of your choice, identify and critically analyse how the following marketing concepts have been applied: target marketing, positioning and the marketing mix

Report Structure

Executive Summary (200 words)

As the title suggests this is a summary of your report for a busy executive to read who doesn’t have time to read the whole report. This means that it needs to include a summary statement of the whole report – what you researched – key findings in each area and overall conclusions.

Company Background and Operating Environment (500 words)

Give a brief introduction to your chosen company, the sector they are operating in and the products/services they provide (include examples in an appendix and refer to them in the text).

Marketing Mix Analysis

Part A Identify your company’s target market and positioning in relation to competitors (300 words)

It may well be that your company has a range of products or services that target different segments – if so then choose a product/service from the company and identify which segment you think the company is targeting. Consider also how this product/service is positioned in relation to competitors.

Part B Critically analyse how your company has targeted the above market using elements of the marketing mix (product, place, price, promotion) (1500 words)

Explore how the company uses the marketing mix to position their product/service in relation to the target market outlined in part A. Also explore how they position themselves in relation to competitors, what makes them unique/different? This may hinge on elements of the mix other than product i.e. they may have an innovative distribution or pricing strategy.

Focus on the marketing mix elements (product, place, price, promotion) if you have chosen services then you may also use elements of the extended marketing mix (to include people, process and physical evidence). Concentrate on elements which are most key to your chosen examples as you won’t be able to cover all of the elements in depth. See figure 1 below for some ideas about what you might cover under each element (we will be covering these in more depth in class). Again use an appendix for any supporting material (see note below under ‘report format’).

Marketing Mix and Extended Mix Elements

Conclusion (500 words)

A summary of key findings and critical evaluation of the marketing mix of your chosen company highlighting specific strengths and weaknesses.

Report Format

Your report is to be word processed using a 12point font and one and half line spacing. Please refer to the academic literature (i.e. journal articles) to help you to analyse your chosen example. You are required to make reference to at least 10 journal articles. Use the Harvard system of referencing for any references you include. The 3000 word limit does not include any figures, tables and graphs, the reference list or appendix. Please use an appendix for any supporting illustrative material – screen shots, adverts, packaging, company documents, photos, store interiors, news media etc). Make sure to refer to any material you do include in the appendix in your report text (i.e. see appendix one).

Postgraduate Assignments: Criteria for Assessment

90-100% Extremely thorough and authoritative execution of the brief. Containing evidence of significant independent research, reflective, perceptive, well-structured showing significant originality in ideas or argument, aptly focused and very well written. Few areas for improvement. Potentially worthy of publication.

80-89% Thorough execution of the brief, well-structured and clearly argued. Signs of originality and/or independent critical analytical ability. Supported by independent research, materials well utilised; well-focused and well written, displays mastery of the subject matter and of appropriate theories and concepts.

70-79% Good execution of the brief; well-focused, knowledgeable, strong evidence of reading beyond the basic texts and displays a very good knowledge of the subject matter. Good critical grasp of relevant theories and concepts.

60%-69% Well-structured and well-focused answer with strong evidence of reading beyond the basic texts. Thorough and comprehensive in approach. Displays a good knowledge of the subject matter and where appropriate displays sound grasp of relevant theories and concepts. Approach generally analytical.

50-59% Competently structured answer, reasonably well-focused and comprehensive but tending to be descriptive in approach. Limited evidence of reading beyond the basic texts. May contain excessive use of quotations.

40%-49% Tending to rely entirely on lecture materials. Almost entirely descriptive in approach, limited knowledge and understanding of the subject matter displayed; partial and/or containing significant errors and/or irrelevancies, poorly structured. May contain excessive use of quotations.

30%-39% Inadequate execution of the brief. Highly partial and or containing serious errors; contents partly or substantially irrelevant, poorly structured. Displays little knowledge of the subject matter. May contain excessive use of quotations.

0%-29% Seriously inadequate execution of the brief. Failure to focus upon the question, seriously short or even devoid of theoretical underpinning, large sections irrelevant. May contain excessive use of quotations.

Sections on the Assignment Feedback Form

  • Structure – style and presentation
  • Depth of understanding and critical analysis
  • Quality of research and use of sources
  • Areas for improvement

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