Population-Based Intervention and Evaluation Strategy

Evaluation Processes in Population Health



The purpose of this discussion is to propose a population-based intervention and evaluation strategy to address population health practice problems and reduce health disparities.


Using your selected population, identify a practice problem related to one (1) of the following areas. Read the related chapter in Bemker, M. A., & Ralyea, C. (2018).Population health and its integration into advanced nursing practice. DEStech Publications, Inc.

  • Pediatric Issues (Chapter 7)
  • Gerontology and the Aging American (Chapter 8)
  • Military and Care for Veterans (Chapter 9)
  • Chronic Disease (Chapter 10)
  • Obesity – Opportunities Across the Continuum (Chapter 11)
  • Population Health in Trauma and Mental Health (Chapter 12)
  • Substance Use Disorders (Chapter 13)
  • Infectious Diseases as a Population Health Issue (Chapter 14)

Reflect on the above reading and address the following.

  1. Compose a brief statement introducing the selected practice problem.
  2. Examine the social determinant risk factors for the selected practice problem.
  3. Summarize a related Healthy People 2030 Goal.
    1. Link (website): Healthy People 2030 (Links to an external site.)
  4. Propose one evidence-based intervention to address the Healthy People 2030 goal after reviewing the literature.
  5. Describe how you would determine if your evidence-based intervention was efficient, effective, and efficacious.
  7. Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • Synthesize ethical and legal principles to advocate for value-based, equitable, and ethical health policies at the micro, meso, and macrosystem levels. (PO 9)
  • Formulate strategies for providing culturally relevant and high-quality healthcare to vulnerable and high-risk populations to address social injustice and health inequities. (PO 1)

Hello, everyone! This week your journey continues with an exploration into the evaluation of population health outcomes. The effective management and implementation of any intervention depend on the ability to define and measure success at various levels. This is important to verify if the intervention is on track. Stakeholders will want to know about the project’s effectiveness in reaching the intended changes or outcomes. A well-thought-out and implemented monitoring and evaluation system provides the information for measuring success. The use of comparable measures supports the measurement of the same indicator in different populations and settings. These findings can then be used to identify differences and similarities of findings. This week, you will learn about the different types of evaluation methods and how to measure the effectiveness of an intervention. How will you measure routine monitoring systems for complex projects? Additionally, we will review emergency management and its application to population health.

Our interactive discussion addresses the following Course Outcomes (COs):

  • Synthesize ethical and legal principles to advocate for value-based, equitable, and ethical health policies at the micro, meso, and macrosystem levels. (PO 9)
    • Analyze the role of the advanced practice nurse in disaster and emergency management (PO 1)
    • Formulate strategies for providing culturally relevant and high-quality healthcare to vulnerable and high-risk populations to address social injustice and health inequities. (PO 1)


Discussion CriteriaHighest Level Performance: AVery Good or High Level of Performance: BAcceptable Level of Performance: CFailing Level of Performance: F
Left blank10 points9 points8 points0 points
Application of Course Knowledge: Answers initial discussion question(s)/ topic(s), demonstrating knowledge, understanding of weekly concepts.Addresses all aspects of the initial discussion question(s) applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding.Addresses most aspects of the initial discussion question(s) applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding.  Addresses some aspects of the initial discussion question(s) applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding.  Does not address the initial question(s).  
Engagement in Meaningful Dialogue with Peers and Faculty: The student responds to a student peer and course faculty to further dialogue.Responds to student peer AND course faculty furthering dialogue by providing more information and clarification, adding much depth to discussion.Responds to a student peer AND course faculty furthering the dialogue by adding some depth to the discussion.Responds to a student peer and/or course faculty, adding minimal depth to thiscussion.No response post to another student or course faculty.
Integration of Evidence: Includes assigned readings, or weekly module content, or outside scholarly sources. Includes three sources to support weekly concepts. A scholarly source is defined on page 2 of these guidelines. These sources may be evident across the 3 postings.Sources are credited.* At least 3 sources to support posts.Sources are credited.* At least 2 sources to support posts.Sources are credited.* At least 1 source to support posts.No scholarly source provided to support posts.
Professionalism in CommunicationPresents information using clear, concise language in organized manner (0-1 error patterns in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).Presents information using clear, concise language in organized manner (2-3 error patterns in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).Presents information using understandable language; information is not organized 4-5 error patterns in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).Presents information that is not clear, logical, professional, or organized; reader has difficulty understanding the post; 6 or more error patterns in English grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation).

Lesson 4

Emergency Training

National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training

Natural and man-made disasters have been increasing while the populations impacted by these disasters have also been increasing. Across all levels of nursing, emergency preparedness training and education are now recognized as a critical skill and each nurse has the responsibility to understand the health impact of disaster events and the nurses’ role in responding. DNP-prepared nurses often hold positions within the emergency management plan or oversee the compliance of emergency management training. In these roles, DNP-prepared nurses communicate and collaborate with external agencies responsible for working with vulnerable populations during an emergency.

For the Week 4 assignment, you will complete the following 4-hour FEMA course: IS-200.C: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response.

Emergency Management in Action

/var/folders/qx/n23vgzss2g3d3p6w687tc_2w0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/iStock-897746236.pngNow, play the following interactive game developed by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) to explore leadership decisions in emergency management.

  • Link (online interactive game): Stop Disasters!


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, May 15). A framework for program evaluation.https://www.cdc.gov/eval/framework/index.htm

Cinaroglu, S., & Baser, O. (2018). Understanding the relationship between effectiveness and outcome indicators to improve quality in healthcare. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(11-12), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.0180/14783363.2016.1253467

Curley, A.L., & Vitale, P. A. (2020). Population-based nursing. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2018). National Incident Management System (NIMS).FEMA. https://training.fema.gov/.nims

Gochenaur, L., & Lillis, R. (2015, March 2). Effectiveness, efficacy and efficiency: The 3 E’s of prevention planning. NYAR Conference. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/nyar_savannah/2015/2015/136/

Kindig, D. A. (n.d.). What are population health outcomes? University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. https://www.improvingpopulationhealth.org/blog/what-are-population-health-outcomes.html

Stiefel, M., & Nolan, K. (2012). A guide to measuring the Triple Aim: Population health, experience of care, and per capita cost. IHI Innovation Series white paper. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. http://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/IHIWhitePapers/AGuidetoMeasuringTripleAim.aspx

Zeni, M. (2019). Principles of epidemiology for advanced nursing practice: A population Health perspective. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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