Public Health Nutrition

In this document, there is a description of the assignment with the required submission instructions, a worksheet guide (table) to help write the paper (detailed) and a rubric at the end of the document. Please make sure to use the whole document to write this paper.

FNN Topic Paper (30%) Description and Submission Details

Expanded Description (see also Course Outline)

Students will choose a public health nutrition topic of interest and identify and review appropriate peer-reviewed and/or grey literature. Topics should include a public health nutrition problem in Canada.  Students are to use the assignment description, marking rubric, and Worksheet guide to select an appropriate topic and to develop and structure their paper.  Submissions are through Turnitin on D2L.  There is a 5% late penalty for each 24-hour period your paper is late (as outlined under Highlights of Course Management Policies (#5) below.

Reminders: be sure to consider the whole assignment before proceeding with a topic.  There are several components (see worksheet and rubric) that must be included in this assignment.  The purpose of the assignment is to strengthen critical thinking and research skills and improve written communication of a public health nutrition topic of interest (one that is relevant to the course) by searching the peer-reviewed and grey literature.  You are asked to identify stakeholder perspectives on the topic (that is, what are the varying perspectives on the public health nutrition problem itself). Therefore, you must read enough about the topic to be able to consider this.  Please ensure there is enough information available on your topic before finalizing your topic decision.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your paper should be no more than 8 pages in length (not including a cover page, and references).  Please use 1.5 spacing.
  • Please include a cover page that includes: your name, ID number, the course code/title, date of submission, and a title for your work. Please be sure to include a word count.
  • APA referencing style (see Course Outline) should be used.
  • Aim to find approximately 8-10 sources for your paper.  These should be published within the last 10 years. 
  • Include a marking rubric with the submission of your assignment.
  • Submit your assignment through Turnitin on D2L Brightspace.

WORKSHEET GUIDE: FNN Topic Paper Worksheet (to guide preparation of Topic Paper)

Please use headings when writing this paper. The specific headings are bolded in the rubric below.

HEADINGSPublic health nutrition condition or disease 
IntroductionDescribe topic in relation to public health nutrition; introduce scope of term paper. Articulate your geographical focus (e.g., Childhood obesity in the Canadian population).  Note whether your paper looks at this condition or disease within the general population or within a specific target group (e.g., children in the community). The more specific you can be, the better.   
Background Provide background on: the disease/condition within the population or sub-groups including details on prevalence, risk factors, etc. Include relevant statistics (use Canadian peer-reviewed literature published within the last 10 years)
Literature reviewA brief review of the academic (peer-reviewed) literature on this topic.  What is the main focus of the literature to date (within the past 10 years)? This should include a summary of key issues/concerns/practices related to your topic.  Most of the referenced literature in this section should be from academic sources (peer-reviewed literature) but you may also reference government and non-government reports, media (online or print news), and other informed sources on your topic. Discuss any controversies or lack of agreement on the topic. *3-4 well-articulated key points, described in your own words and relevant to your overall paper focus; 8-10 sources published within the last 10 years.
Analysis & discussion  Identification of various stakeholder perspectives (possible ‘sides’ to the issue). *Start by identifying stakeholders: who has a stake or interest in this topic?   Analysis of the varying stakeholder perspectives. *What are the various perspectives on how to address the public health issue/concern   Analysis and discussion of potential areas of shared concern, potential agreement on how best to address the issue among stakeholders, if any.  *Where are the areas of shared concern among stakeholders? Are there areas of agreement or alignment among stakeholders on the issue? What are the barriers affecting further action on this issue/topic?   Identification and discussion of relevant ethical concerns related to the public health issue. *What are potential and relevant ethical concerns related to your topic? Consider the assigned readings and lecture notes and reference appropriately.    *4-5 well-articulated points referenced with appropriate literature (for each numbered point here)  
Discussion of Implications  Implications for public health and nutrition practice (Answers the question: ‘Based on what is currently known about the topic, what should public health nutritionists/dietitians in public health do? This could refer to present practice and/or future practice and could include considerations related to practical training) *This is not something you will necessarily find in the literature. It should include your assessment of what you have researched and considered in writing the sections above. *4-5 well-articulated points discussing appropriate practice-based considerations for public health nutritionists and dietitians in public health.   Recommendations for further public health action (Answers the question: ‘What is needed next to address this issue/concern in Canada?’ or ‘What is needed as a next step for this approach in Canada?’) *This is not something you will necessarily find in the literature. It should include your assessment of what you have researched and considered in writing the sections above.  It may be appropriate here to specifically outline which actors you are referring to in your recommendations (e.g. government, media, researchers, non-governmental organizations, etc.). *4-5 well-articulated points discussing appropriate practice-based considerations for public health nutritionists and dietitians in public health.  
ConclusionHow would you conclude your topic paper review?  What can you say that summarizes the exploration of this topic as defined here?  

Important notes:

  • Please make sure the references are CANADIAN and childhood obesity prevalence is all CANADIAN
  • Please make sure to talk about the prevalence and risk factors
  • Please follow this worksheet as it is very detailed
  • Please include section headings such as “introduction, Background, Literature Review” etc.
  • Please make sure when you talk about the preventions in place for childhood obesity, refer to other countries and what they are doing well (Analysis and Discussion section). Then talk about what Canada can do (Discussion of Implications section) and what Canada is doing for the prevention of childhood obesity (Background and literature review section)
  • Please think of a clever topic for the issue and make a cover page
  • Please include page numbers and word-count
  • USE CALIBRI FONT AND 12 size font
  • If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask
  • Few reminders, please make sure this is a plagiarism free paper, well written, free of grammatical errors and run on-sentences, well worded and one that flows well. Also please make sure to use proper in-text and proper references for this paper – I need APA 7th edition references.
  • The requirement of this paper is 8 pages 1.5 spacing but since I am not sure how much that is double spaced, I am paying for 11 pages with 3,300-word count. When submitting the paper, please make sure it is 1.5 spacing and 8 pages.
  • Rubric is attached below – please follow it in detail


FNN – Public Health Nutrition, Topic Paper Marking Rubric

Rubric Criteria 
Title page with name, student number, instructor’s name, the course title, number of pages, word count, and attached rubric 
I. Introduction to the selected topic Introduce your topic (i.e., the public health nutrition problem).  Should define the scope of your paper and briefly describe the problem or the action.   /5
II. Background, including a brief overview of the literature,
Describe the problem in greater detail by referring to the literature. Include annual Canadian statistics (prevalence), populations most affected by the problem, and costs of treating the problem in Canada.  How is this problem being addressed in Canada? In addition to the focus of your topic paper, what other actions have been taken to address the problem? What is the effectiveness of current actions to address the public health nutrition problem? Please use appropriate sources (peer-reviewed publications and government reports are preferred but news media may be an important way to gather stakeholder perspectives).
III. Analysis and discussion: Identification of various stakeholders and stakeholder perspectives (possible ‘sides’ or ways of viewing the public health problem; different considerations concerning effective actions to address the public health problem) Analysis of the varying stakeholder perspectives (e.g., statements reflecting disagreement or agreement among stakeholders, information about consensus). Is there general agreement on the social determinants contributing to the growing prevalence of the problem? Is there general agreement on how best to intervene to address the problem? Identification and discussion of relevant ethical concerns related to the public health problem (e.g., ethical concerns with how the problem is addressed, concerns related to how research on this topic is conducted and evaluated, concerns about the cost or level of infringement on people’s rights, etc.).    /20
IV.  Discussion: Implications for public health and nutrition practice (answers the question: ‘Based on what is currently known about the topic, what should public health nutritionists/dietitians in public health do?’Recommendations for further public health action (answers the question: ‘What is needed next to address this issue/concern in Canada?’ or ‘What is needed as the next step for this action in Canada?’)  /10
VII. Conclusion Provide a clear summary of your topic. Present any potential limitations or concerns with the literature used to discuss your topic./5
Spelling & Grammar (6) Organization, clarity, and logical argumentation (4) Appropriate APA referencing (in-text and Works Cited) (5)/15
Topic Paper (30%)/30

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