Research Questions

Explore a vast collection of the most popular research questions across all fields of study.

Interpersonal Communication: Communication Barriers

Preamble As you study interpersonal communication, you begin to seriously understand that the skills learned in this course are useful for every aspect of your life. Truth. You will thank me later. Communicating: Sending, Receiving, Interpreting Information There are several factors that will affect how messages are sent, received and interpreted. As you have been […]

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ML Algorithms

The assignment is set in three parts- use a report structure and show all how ML algorithms are used with appropriate pseudocode examples.    Question 1. Using appropriate examples demonstrate how bias/variance tradeoffs are critical when selecting and applying ML techniques. In the report, demonstrate how overfitting problems can be mitigated using regularisation. Also provide

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Science and Technology

Science is the study of how the universe works using the scientific method as a framework for asking questions. Throughout history, humans have built up a body of scientific knowledge and have used this knowledge to develop technologies to make life easier, or to broaden their knowledge. Scientific discovery drives technological advances and sometimes, as

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Service Improvement Report

Assessment Task This assessment will be a Service Improvement Report. The patient safety problem/quality issue can be identified from a number of sources, for example: NHS Improvement, CQC report, problem/issues identified via DATIX, serious case review, research evidence, a common concern raised in the media. The focus will be to address this problem/issue and provide

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Evidence-Based Practice Learner Assessment Brief

Evidence-Based Practice This unit assignment addresses the significance of capturing robust quantitative and qualitative evidence to inform meaningful insight to influence critical thinking. It focuses on analysing evidence through an ethical lens to improve decision-making and how measuring the impact of people practice is essential in creating value. CIPD’s insight Evidence-based practice is about making

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Strategic Management of Business Analytics

Requirements for Section 1 The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of contemporary research and applied developments in the rise of the data economy. In this regard write a report to: – Critically review the contemporary literature to discuss the strengths and difficulties of adopting business analytics in a specific industry

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Property Valuation: Consultant Report

Consultant Report Coursework Overview: The aim of this coursework is for you to practically apply the knowledge acquired throughout the lectures in class. It is designed to enhance you in establishing an in-depth understanding across the syllabus of the module. The coursework is a practice-focused report to establish the analytical, problem-solving, research and presentation skills.

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Research Methods in Public Policy and Management

Format:          Electronic copy Word limit:   2,200 words excluding title, tables, graphs and references but including footnotes. You will be penalized if you exceed this limit! (You will not be penalized for writing less than the limit) Weight:          50% of the overall module mark Instructions Write a report which answers Questions 1, 2 and 3 about

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CIPD Assessment Report: Technow Case Study

Task One – Standard operations guide for Technow recruitment. In preparation for recruitment of Technow’s new management team you are required to produce a standard operations guide to provide the partners and their organisation with a step-by-step, easy to understand set of instructions so they can achieve formalisation of the recruitment practice. It must include and consider:

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Horizontal and Vertical Analysis of Income Statements

This Portfolio Project has two parts: Calculations due this week and a 4- to 6-page essay due next week in Module 8. While the calculation requirements of this assignment are important, equally important are your discussion and analysis of the quantitative results. You will submit two documents: 1) a spreadsheet containing your horizontal and vertical

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