Research Questions

Explore a vast collection of the most popular research questions across all fields of study.

 American Foreign Relations: A New Diplomatic History

Week 13 Assignment “Global War on Terror” (Chapter 15). In American Foreign Relations: A New Diplomatic History, by Walter L. Hixon, 424-461. New York: Routledge, 2016. [Required Book] Q1: Carefully read the section “Costs and Consequences of the Iraq War” (pp. 437-441). Briefly discuss at least 3 “costs” or “consequences” that you find most significant. “The […]

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Recruitment and Selection Strategy and Practice in Organisations

Assignment: Discuss the following statement taking into account implications for recruitment and selection strategy and practice in organisations today; “Although most managers would agree that it is important to hire people who fit in, the idea of hiring for culture fit has become controversial…Most of the controversy boils down to a single key issue: the

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Virtual Learning Debate

Instructions- Student will participate in a formal debate that comprehensively focuses on virtual (online) learning. Debate topics must be thoroughly researched and the perspective should be written as a research paper according to APA format with a minimum of five references.  The initial paper comprehensively focuses on all aspects of virtual/online learning (Keeping in mind

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Instructional Leadership Checklist

(from McEwan’s text “7 Steps to Effective Instructional Leadership) Use the template provided to develop your ratings and evidence statements for 5 of the 30 criteria from McEwan’s Instructional Leadership Checklist in Resource A (detailed) and Resource B (short version) of her textbook.   You can choose any 5 of the 30 criteria listed, just be

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Lincoln Movie

1.. How does Lincoln describe his dream?         2. Why does Seward (David Strathairn) think it will be hard to pass the thirteenth amendment?         3. Why are the  Conservative Republicans, and their leader,  Preston Blair (Hal Holbrook), reluctant to pass the thirteenth Amendment?         4. According to

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Teaching Vignette

Using the Social-Emotional Dimension of Teaching & Learning and  Culturally Responsive Teaching to Address Equity in the Classroom On a chilly day that promises rain, lead teacher Ms. Nancy walks into her TK (transitional kindergarten) classroom to find a small group of children under the care of the assistant teacher Ms. Shannon.  The rest of

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Engineering and Sustainable Development

Your broad theme in this assignment is Engineering and Sustainable Development. You must choose and write a short essay on one of the following topics E-Waste Impact of Textiles and Fast Fashion on the environment and sustainable development goals. Electric Vehicles / Battery recycling You are familiar with the NSPE Code of Ethics (CoE) (Links to an

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Search for Evidence

Reference: Collins, T. (2005). Health policy analysis: A simple tool for policy makers. Public Health, 119, 192-196. Continuing with the problem stated in your Week 2 assignment (I will attach the assignment), gather scholarly evidence describing 3 differing solutions to or interventions for the problem. For example, if the chosen problem is opiate abuse among pregnant women,

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Ethical Theories

This essay will be the second of our two shorter formal essays constituting 10% of your final grade, and is due.             For this essay and for all others throughout the course, you are responsible for following the MLA general essay guidelines, which can be found at the Purdue OWL website: (Times New

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Self-Leadership & Employability

ASSESSMENT FORMAT: Individual Portfolio ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: 50% WORD COUNT: 2,000 words maximum LEARNING OUTCOMES ADDRESSED: Learning Outcome1 and Learning Outcome 3 LO1 Seek and apply new techniques and processes to own your performance and identify how this might be evaluated in the context of employability and leadership. LO3 Take responsibility for own learning and development

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