Research Questions

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Meaty Trial 2: What makes a fairy tale

Meaty Trial #2: What makes a fairy tale?   Flatness   Defamiliarization   Everyday Magic   The Shock Effect of Beauty     Sublime   Depthlessness   Abstraction     Propp’sMorphologies   The 8 Character Types     Fairy Way For Meaty Trial #2, you will be defining each term in 150 words or more […]

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Ethical Considerations in Research

This assignment is to be completed after reading the first chapter of your textbook (specifically pages 32 – 46, or Section 1.7 in REVEL). Using the research designs and methods you just learned about, create your own research study using the following questions to guide your methods. Choose 3 out of the 5 research topics

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Policing Discretion

From your Chapter 8 readings, answer and discuss the following questions: Discussion Questions: From your Chapter 8 readings, discuss the following: 1. What if… are a newly hired correctional officer in the state prison system? During your first week on the job, you witness a co-worker violently attack a prisoner who had spit on him.

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Major Community Development Assignment

Guidelines Each group will have 4 members. Groups will be assigned by Week 7 and work together on the Major Community Development Assignment during Weeks 7 to 11. For this grant proposal assignment, group members must identify one Community Needs Assessment (submitted by each student as part of the Community Needs Assessment Assignment). In selecting

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Advanced Valuation

INTRODUCTION The assessment regime for this module is 50% coursework, comprising a written report, and an examination also weighted at 50%.  COURSEWORK DETAILS (50% weighting) The learning outcome addressed by the coursework is: Critically evaluate the role of real estate valuation modelling techniques. As a direct outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic, your employer, a medium-sized

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ABA Model Rules

Overview This assignment will require research into the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and scripture. You will thoroughly analyze the model rule through the lens of scripture and determine whether the model rule or the scripture imposes a greater ethical responsibility on the Christian legal professional. This analysis requires research into the moral and

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Excel Homework

Directions: You should complete all the calculations using the excel formula functions in the appropriate worksheet. You should answer any questions in the worksheet, not on separate paper. You should submit the spreadsheet in the Canvas assignment in the link “Excel Homework 2.” Complete each problem in a separate worksheet.   Name your homework with your

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Commonplace Books

What is a commonplace book? Throughout this semester, you will keep what is known as a commonplace book, which is basically a quote book.  Traditionally, it is a notebook in which a reader records quotations from works they have read. The act of commonplacing—selecting important and interesting phrases, lines, and/or passages from texts and writing them

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Community Needs Assessment

Purpose:  To research, assess, and analyze an assigned community; to develop skills used in community analysis; to identify needs and strengths within a community and to apply the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) model to addressing community needs and challenges; to integrate and apply theoretical frameworks and approaches (anti-oppressive, systems theory, cultural humility, and Indigenous

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The Police in America

Watch the Decision Tree video located in the University of Phoenix Library. Read the Sidebar 11-2, “Police Discretion in a Routine Disturbance Call,” in the “A Short History of the Control of Police Discretion” section of Ch. 11, “Police Discretion,” of The Police in America. Consider the different stages the officer is faced with in

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