Research Questions

Explore a vast collection of the most popular research questions across all fields of study.

Media Portrayal of Drugs

Step One: Read the AAP Policy Statement located below. Make some notes for yourself about points of agreement or disagreement you have with the statement and specific findings regarding media depictions of substance use that you want to assess when you write the paper. Step Two: Find a current example of substance use portrayal seen […]

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Research Methods in Business

As the capstone for your Bachelor’s degree programme, you will take twoproject modules. You may choose between Project Management, GlobalBusiness Management, Governance and Ethics, and Corporate Reporting. Forthis assignment, you should focus on the research project that you arethinking about undertaking in one of these project modules.Your task is to write a proposal for the

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Managing Human Resources

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION:Write a report of 3,000 words to the following brief:You are required to develop a Human Resource Management business proposalwith specific focus on HR operating model (structure), Resourcing andDevelopment. Your recommendations and overall HRM business proposal needto demonstrate considerations on business alignment, a proposal that can assistany start-up or SME type company.(Your core textbook,

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Nurse Professionalism Interview

Instructions: Interview 5 nurses using Questions 1-5 and enter their responses in quotation marks (word-for-word) in the corresponding boxes. You may need to enlarge the text boxes to complete your answers. Fill out the demographic data below on each participant. After interviewing all 5 nurses answer questions 1-8 at the bottom of the form. Answers

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Evidence-Based Practice Reflection Paper

You have reviewed a lot of material throughout this course. Summarize in a 3-page paper how you have evolved as a nurse though the participation in this course, and how you think you have achieved the learning outcomes of the course. You identify the learning outcomes and the program outcomes you achieved and how you

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Challenges in Recruitment and Selection: Steven Arbaugh Case Study

Once you have read the case study, write a 3-4 page paper (although feel free to write more if you want) that addresses the following questions. Be sure your paper fully explains your ideas, using points from the case study, as well as the required readings (and/or other appropriate sources). Papers should be double-spaced, with 12-point font, and

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Paradise Lost Essay

Write a brief essay (1,000 words) on ONE of the following topics.

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Vulnerable Populations: Scholarly Writing Paper

Despite efforts and goals in the United States to reduce or eliminate disparities in healthcare by 2020, significant disparities, including risk factors, access to healthcare, morbidity, and mortality, continue in vulnerable populations.  Vulnerable populations are at greater risk of developing health problems. Nursing care of vulnerable populations requires a specific set of skills for optimum

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Thank You Follow – Up Letter

Begin this task on a separate page in the same MSWord file you used to complete Task 1, 2, and 3. You can do this by using the Insert / Break / Page Break function in MSWord. The interview was a success, and the interviewer, Ms. Rosemary Ferguson, was impressed with your skills and your

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Employment Interview Questions

Begin this task on a separate page in the same MSWord file you used to complete Task 1, 2, and 3. You can do this by using the Insert / Break / Page Break function in MSWord. Congratulations! Your potential employer liked your letter of application and your resume and is interested in interviewing you

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