Description: Identify, discover, or locate terrorist threats through active and passive surveillance and search procedures. This may include the use of systematic examinations and assessments, biosurveillance, sensor technologies, or physical investigation and intelligence.
These measures are ongoing and may be taken in response to actionable intelligence that indicates potential targets, approach vectors, or type of weapon to be used. They may also be taken to verify or characterize the threat of materials or weapons that have already been located. Search and detection operations may be conducted with limited or no intelligence about the location of the threat, which would require the Nation to prioritize its search and detection resources.
This capability includes action taken to detect terrorist activities in the planning or execution phases. The fully developed capability means the whole community is prepared to quickly and effectively identify and locate terrorists and their means, methods, and weapons to prevent a terrorist act within the United States.
Critical Tasks
Locate persons and networks associated with imminent terrorist threats.
Develop and engage an observant Nation (i.e., individuals and families; communities; NGOs; private sector entities; and local, state, tribal, and territorial partners).
Screen and/or scan inbound and outbound persons, baggage, mail, cargo, and conveyances using technical, nontechnical, intrusive, and nonintrusive means without unduly hampering commerce.
Apply additional measures for high-risk persons, conveyances, or items.
Conduct physical searches.
Conduct chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) surveillance search and detection operations.
Conduct ambient and active detection of CBRNE.
Operate in a hazardous environment.
Conduct technical search/detection operations.
Conduct nontechnical search/detection operations.
Conduct biosurveillance
Search databases and other information and intelligence sources.
Employ wide-area search and detection assets in targeted regions in concert with state, local, and tribal personnel or other Federal agencies (depending on the threat).
Interdiction and Disruption
Description: Delay, divert, intercept, halt, apprehend, or secure threats and/or hazards.
This capability includes those interdiction and disruption activities that may be undertaken in response to specific, actionable intelligence of an imminent terrorist threat. Interdiction and disruption may include the targeting of persons or terrorist weapons to stop or thwart their movement or entry into the United States; preventing terrorist acquisition and transfer of CBRNE materials, precursors, and related technologies; preventing financial or material support for terrorist operations; employing technical and other means to prevent malicious cyber activities; and implementing tactical law enforcement operations to halt terrorist operations. It might also include urgent activities required when a CBRNE device is encountered unexpectedly. Interdiction and disruption capabilities help to thwart emerging or developing terrorist plots and neutralize terrorist cells, operatives, and operations. These capabilities should be conducted in a manner that preserves evidence and the Government’s ability to prosecute those that violate the law.
Critical Tasks
Interdict conveyances, cargo, and persons associated with an imminent terrorist threat or act.
Prevent terrorist entry into the United States and its territories.
Prevent movement and operation of terrorists within the United States.
Render safe and dispose of CBRNE hazards in multiple locations and in all environments consistent with established protocols.
Disrupt terrorist financing or prevent other material support from reaching its target.
Prevent terrorist acquisition and transfer of CBRNE materials, precursors, and related technology.
Conduct antiterrorism operations in the United States.
Conduct tactical counterterrorism operations in the United States, potentially in multiple locations and in all environments.
Strategically deploy assets to interdict, deter, or disrupt threats from reaching potential target(s).
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