Short Story Essay

1. First, I want you to choose a short story that we have read so far in this class (any story we’ve read other than Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Birth-Mark”. Please look at the syllabus to see which stories to choose from. Again, do not choose “The Birth-Mark”).

2. Then, I would like for you to pick one symbol from that story, and unpack what you believe it represents within that story and how. You’ll need to use one integrated, short quote from the story in order to support your analysis here.

General Guidelines:

1. Treat this like a body paragraph in an essay: with a topic sentence that states your chosen symbol, what you believe it represents, and how. Then, you spend the rest of the paragraph proving it.

2. Don’t forget to thoroughly analyze your chosen story quote. No outside research permitted here.

3. Remember, a symbol is something that is physically present within the story, such as a desk, a clock, water, an angel, etc. A concept such as “love” can’t be a symbol, but something can represent love.

4. This paragraph should be approximately 8-10 sentences in length.

5. The midterm will take place in class, but you will also have the opportunity to finish it after class ends. You should upload your paragraph by the end of the day.

ProvenanceIs it clear where the information has come from? Can you identify the author(s)/organisation(s)? Are there references/citations that lead to further reading? Are they credible sources in your view? Can the author or source of the information be considered a reliable authority on the subject?
RelevanceIs the information you have found relevant to the topic you are researching? Does it meet your specific requirements? Does it make sense in the particular context in which you are working?
ObjectivityDoes the author or owner of the information make clear their own and/or alternative views? Is the article biased, or motivated by a particular agenda? Is the language emotive? Are there hidden, vested interests?
MethodIs it clear how the work was carried out? Were the methods appropriate? Do they permit the author to come to a sound and reasonable conclusion?
PresentationIs the information presented and communicated clearly? Consider the language, layout and structure. Is the information clearly laid out and easy to navigate?
TimelinessHow up-to-date is the material? Is it clear when it was written? Is it recent or dated? Does the age of the information matter – does it still meet your requirements, or would it be considered ‘obsolete’ for your purposes (i.e. for a specific assignment)?

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