Signature Assignment: Job Analysis and Job Evaluation Portfolio

As part of this course, students will write a paper centered on compensation concepts and applications.  This is a signature assignment in which students get an opportunity to apply concepts acquired in the course and textbook.  Refer below for complete instructions on this assignment. 


All students must complete a signature assignment that is a standard component of all HRM-667 sections. The purpose of the Compensation Signature Assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of compensation and benefits as one of the major human resource functions.  You achieve this through a combination of research and practical application of compensation concepts relating to extrinsic and intrinsic rewards as elements for shaping work-related behaviors that an organization deems as most valuable for achievement of its strategic advantage and objectives.

Structure and Content of Paper

Your paper should include a title page, abstract page, body of paper (sections I – IV below), reference page, and appendix.  The body of the paper must be between 10 and 12 double-spaced pages.  Use 12pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins, headings, and page numbers.  It must conform to APA formatting and stylistic guidelines.  It must have no less than ten references to support your ideas.  References must be scholarly, not Wikipedia types.  No bulleted lists.  Your paper should contain only the sections below and use HEADINGS to identify them.  Deviation from this structure will probably lead to a deduction in points.   

As graduate students, I assume you know how to write competently.  This means I expect you know how to paraphrase, not simply copy verbatim.  If you write something that is taken from a source, it must be in your own words with the original source cited.  If you quote a source, it must be done according to APA requirements.  Don’t know APA formatting and style?  Search Google.  I will be checking for this.  If you quote more than just a few sentences (or few blocks of text) or if much of your paper is quoted, you may lose points for plagiarism.  Yes, this is a form of plagiarism. 

Section I: Description of Organization and Title of Position

Begin by selecting an organization to feature in your portfolio (e.g., Nike; Google; an organization where you would like to work, your current or your previous organization). What is its history?  What is its mission?  What is its vision?  What do you think is the general perception of the organization?  Select a position or job series within the organization to analyze (e.g., Production Assistant, secretaries, maintenance, sales associates, engineer, scientist, etc.) and give its title.

Section II: Internal and External Motivators

Your portfolio will proceed with the internal and external motivators relating to this kind of work and the relationship of this job to the overall goals/strategies/values of the organization. (e.g., Nike needs to save money in production and boost sales so will incentivize employee behaviors that lead to desired outcomes; Google needs to foster intense creativity so in addition to high pay, provides extensive and uncommon benefits such as 24-hour cafeteria services for free)

Here are additional guidelines for writing this section:  Define internal and external motivators.  Provide a motivational theory that explains how these relate to total compensation and its elements (see page 8 in your text.).  Describe in detail the internal and external motivators in your chosen organization.  Describe how they relate to the firm’s goals/strategies/values. 

Here are some questions to help you better understand:  Does the firm offer competitive salaries?  Why or why not?  Does the firm offer competitive benefits?  What are these benefits?  Does the firm offer incentive pay or merit pay?  Are there good promotional opportunities?  Are the jobs in the organization perceived by employees as worthwhile?  Are employees passionate about the work they do?  Why or why not?  If your organization does not offer some of these motivators, recommend some and explain why.  These questions are not exhaustive.  Use them in a way that helps you understand this section.  You don’t have to answer them all.  Select the questions that best suit your needs. 

Section III: Job Analysis and Job Evaluation

Begin by providing the formal definition of job analysis for reward evaluation as described in the text.  Discuss your decision to conduct a job evaluation analysis and the factors that will need to be considered.  Describe the process of collecting information about the job and the relative evaluation factors.  Write a job description of the chosen position.

In this section, make sure your job analysis is sufficiently detailed.  What type of job analysis method did you perform?  Give the steps you completed.  Why did you decide to use the method (or methods) you selected?  (The nature of a job analysis here focuses on the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes (KSAOs) AND responsibilities and/or job tasks that reflect pay and benefits in the organization.)  Note: a job description is the result of a job analysis. 

A full copy of your job description should be placed in this section.  Do not include a job description in the reference section.  Since you are writing a scholarly paper, the job description should be written with the following rules:  

(a) provide a summary of the job.

(b) the job description must be written in paragraph form; do not use bulleted lists (Do a google search for an understanding) 

(c) include task/duty/responsibility statements.  NOTE: Each statement must have a subject (a noun or pronoun; e.g., position title; they, he, or she).  Do not simply copy and paste a job description.  Almost all formal job descriptions omit subjects and start with an active verb.  You must add the subject!  As graduate students, I assume you understand what I am requesting.  If not, ask.

(d) include KSAO statements.  Each statement must also have a subject too.

NOTE: If you fail to write your job description this way, I will deduct critical points for this.  Please follow the directions for maximum points! 

For the job evaluation, describe in detail the job evaluation technique you selected to show how internal alignment is achieved.  See the sections job evaluation (pp. 132-134) and job evaluation techniques (pp. 135-140) in your textbook.  In other words, what factors must be considered to determine the relative worth of the job under study to the organization.  Note that job evaluation and performance evaluation are not the same (Do not include anything about performance evaluation/appraisal in the paper).  The former was just explained.  The latter denotes how well employees perform in their jobs.  Also note that a job analysis is not the same as job evaluation.  The former is a process in which job data are collected, analyzed, and synthesized, and summarized in the form of a job description.  The latter, job evaluation, uses the job description to evaluate the worth of the job using some qualitative or quantitative technique (again, see chapter 6 in your text).

Section IV: External Job Market, Pricing Jobs, and Policies

The essence of this part is the role of the external labor market.  Define the concepts of external labor market and its purpose.  Describe in detail what the external labor market is for your job.  How did you (or your organization) decide what the labor (external) market is?  How did your organization or you decide on the market pay rate for your job?  What steps did you or your organization take to determine the market pay rate of your job?  What are salary surveys?  Which ones did you or your firm use and why?  Note: Do not just identify where you gathered the salary data.  You must justify why you selected the source(s). 

Also in this section, include compensation policies.  Does your firm lead, lag, or tie the market?  Explain.  What are starting salaries for new employees?  How are pay raises determined?  How is incentive pay determined if it is offered? 

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