Sports and Emergency Preparedness

Assignment 1: Choose Option A or Option B


1) Read: The Inter-Association Task Force Document on Emergency Health and Safety: Best-Practice Recommendations for Youth Sports Leagues

(link above & attached)

2) Based on the recommendations in this document, choose one of the following scenarios and submit a 3-5 page paper addressing the scenario, and a 1 page reflection about what you learned.

All papers should be in the following format:

  • Submit a single document in Word
  • 1″ margins
  • 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial)
  • Double-spaced
  • The document should be titled: LastnameFirst initial_317_Assn1 (e.g., SmithJ_317_Assn1)

For Option A, choose Scenario #1 or Scenario #2:

Option A, Scenario #1 (Coach): If you are a coach of a youth sport, evaluate how prepared you are for an emergency at your primary practice location? Do you have an EAP? Are there trained responders on site? What steps should you take immediately to be more prepared to respond to a medical emergency? Submit a 3-5 page paper with an evaluation of your practice site and EAP, based on the document you read. After completing the evaluation of emergency preparation at the practice site, write a 1 page reflection about what you learned, and submit it as the final page in your assignment.


Option A, Scenario #2 (Parent): If you are a parent of a child playing a youth sport, evaluate how prepared the organization or coaches are for an emergency at the primary practice location? Is there an EAP? Are there trained responders on site? What steps should be taken to be more prepared to respond to a medical emergency? Submit a 3-5 page paper with an evaluation of your practice site and EAP, based on the document you read. After completing the evaluation of emergency preparation at the practice site, write a 1 page reflection about what you learned. Submit the reflection as the final page in your assignment, with a heading titled: Reflection.

If you are not a coach or parent of child currently playing youth sports, it’s allowable to choose either option A or option B above and assess the practice site of a friend or family member who is coaching or has a child playing. 


1) Read: Selections from the Report of Independent Investigation: Death of Braeden Bradforth, prepared by Lewis Brisbois, LLP & Walters, Inc.  (attached) 

2) Read: The Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Collegiate Conditioning Sessions: Best Practices Recommendations (link above & attached)

3) Based on the two readings above, write a 3-5 page paper describing what aspects of the football practice session that resulted in the death of Braeden Bradforth (as described in the Walters report) appear to meet the criteria or not meet the criteria described in the Best Practices document (Preventing Sudden Death in Collegiate Conditioning Sessions). Be specific. Once you complete your evaluation of the practice session in comparison to best practices, write a 1-page reflection about your thoughts about the situation and what you have learned by examining it. Submit the reflection as the final page in your assignment, with a heading titled: Reflection.

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