TED Talk: TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat

Designed to address your ability to incorporate reputable sources into a comprehensive research report.

Using the TED Talk “TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat–and the rise of bite-sized content (Links to an external site.),” as a guide, construct a research report detailing how bite-sized content, like that discussed in the video, might or might not influence communication in various facets of life. Include information about communication like this, information about why or why not this type of communication is important, and any other information that you feel would be helpful. Although this is a research report, your writing should be of a persuasive nature–remember, everything is an argument. Make sure you address all aspects of your topic. You are trying to convince your audience that you understand the role this type of communication plays in society. 

Essay Requirements

  • 1500 – 1800 words
  • MLA formatting 
  • Minimum of 4 sources (this is in addition to the video below)
    • At least one academic journal article
    • At least one reputable website
    • At least one newspaper/magazine/book (online is acceptable)
    • At least one personal interview (this means you interview someone about the topic to use in your essay)
  • Proper style (do NOT use statements like “I think,” “I feel,” “in my opinion” etc.)
  • Descriptive title (not just “Research Essay”)
  • Correct grammar & punctuation


Your grade will be based on the following criteria:

  • Grammar/punctuation/style (55)
  • Organization/content (65)
  • Formatting (30)

The following rubric will be used to grade your research essay:

OutcomesAbove Average PerformanceAverage PerformanceBelow Average Performance
Students will read and interpret print, electronic, and visual texts at an advanced level.Through a high collegiate level of sources and arguments and the inclusion of sufficient scholarly and well-chosen sources in the works-cited page, the research paper will demonstrate that the student has read and understood complex and scholarly source materials. The paper incorporates quoted print and electronic material that helps to illuminate the topic or argument. The paper incorporates at least two effective graphic elements (one original, one from a source). The content, placement, and commentary on the quoted and print, electronic, and visual material clearly add to the audience’s ability to comprehend and evaluate significant information and argument. Above average performance will demonstrate the ability to aptly judge clarity, impact, relevance to audience and purpose, and bias of visual and print materials.Through a collegiate level of discussion of sources and arguments and the inclusion of an adequate number of appropriate sources in the works-cited page, the research paper shows that the student has read and mostly understood complex and scholarly source materials. The paper incorporates quoted material which helps to illuminate the topic or argument. The paper incorporates at least two effective graphic elements (one original, one from a source). Style of incorporation of print, electronic, and visual material may suffer from awkward placement, vague or not clearly related content, or unclear commentary. Average performance will demonstrate the ability to aptly judge most of these features: clarity, impact, relevance to audience and purpose, and bias of visual and print materials.The level of discussion of sources and arguments in the research paper is less than college level. Along with an inadequate number of scholarly and well-chosen sources in the works-cited page, these factors show that the student has not read critically and analytically at an advanced level. Quoted print and electronic material is absent, too sparse, and/or confusing. The graphic elements are missing or difficult to comprehend. Style of incorporation suffers from two or more of these: awkward placement, vague or not clearly related content, and/or unclear commentary. Below average performance will demonstrate ability to aptly judge few of these features: clarity, impact, relevance to audience and purpose, and bias.
      Students will perform critical and analytical research through scholarly methods.        The research is current and thorough with respect to the topic. It comes from a variety of scholarly and appropriate sources such as academic journals, online databases, interviews, news media, and/or magazine articles pertinent to the discipline explored in the paper.Reasonably current research comes from reputable and appropriate sources, though it is probably not as broad or thorough as that in an above average paper.Research is inadequate in breadth and/or scholarly rigor.
Students will use written communication advanced in form and style, idea development, and analysis to formulate complex responses that explore and defend their own ideas.Developing an analytical investigation of a research issue, the research paper integrates analysis, significant evidence, consideration of opposing views, and evaluation of data. The writer employs an effective organizational strategy and writing style. The paper involves a complex argument presented effectively for an audience of readers interested in the field under discussion and leads to a well-supported and well-argued conclusion.The paper develops an analytical investigation of a research issue. Integration of analysis, evidence, consideration of opposing viewpoints, and evaluation of data is somewhat rough OR does not consistently aim at or support the final conclusion. The writer employs a mostly effective organizational strategy and writing style. The argument is somewhat weak or ineffective in no more than two of these areas: organization, expression, development, or appropriateness to audience.The paper is lacking in analysis; it roughly integrates evidence and evaluation of data; lacks support, consistency, consideration of opposing viewpoints and/or focus in conclusion. Integration of research data shows inadequate paraphrasing or incomplete comprehension of logical implications. The argument is inadequately complex; the presentation is weak or ineffective in tow or three of these areas: organization, development, or appropriateness to audience.

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