The Last Conquistador

Rebecca G. Huang’s article, “Controversial Art Is Valuable As A Medium For Conversation,” published in HS Insider, asserted that for generations, artists have poured their souls into their work, creating incredible (often controversial) pieces that leave their audiences appalled.  Art has more function than mere visual appeal.  Art has long been used to create messages that transcend language barriers, and has often acted as a spark for meaningful conversations about the world in which we live.

Renowned sculptor John Houser had a dream to create the world’s tallest bronze equestrian statue for the city of El Paso, Texas.  Little did he know that his dream would become a controversial nightmare and generate intense public debate about the merits of his sculpture.


View The Last Conquistador – The Controversy Surrounding the Sculpture and The Last Conquistador – City Council Meeting.  After viewing both videos, determine if you believe that the statue of The Last Conquistador is a monument depicting local culture or if it is a glorification of genocide.  Post your position on this controversial issue in 300 words.

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