The Physical Domain and The Social Domain

Assignment 13-14

INSTRUCTIONS:  Read and study Chapters 13 and 14 and Dr. St.Clair’s Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 Review Notes.  In a 4-page, spelling and grammar-checked, double spaced typed paper with 1-inch margins on ALL sides, you should address each chapter question below.  Be sure to type your first/last names and the course number in the upper right corner of the first page.  DO NOT RETYPE EACH QUESTION but DO NUMBER each of your responses.  Insufficient or responses less than 4 typed pages WILL have points deducted.    Late assignments WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (see the syllabus for exceptions).  You should upload Assignment 13-14 to the Week Thirteen-Fourteen Learning Module of the “Activities – Assignments” section of D2L Brightspace.  Assignment 13-14 is worth a possible total score of 100 with a Bonus question offered. 

Chapter 13 Questions (REMINDER:  DO NOT RETYPE EACH QUESTION but DO NUMBER each response.)

  1. What are two skills or two key concepts that are important for students to learn in the Physical Domain of “Large Motor Skills”?  Explain using details.
  • What are two skills or two key concepts that are important for students to learn in the Physical Domain of “Fine Motor Skills”?  Explain using details.
  • What are two skills or two key concepts that are important for students to learn in the Physical Domain of “Perceptual Motor Skills”?  Explain using details.
  • What are two skills or two key concepts that are important for students to learn in the Physical Domain of “Safety”?  Explain using details.
  • What are two skills or two key concepts that are important for students to learn in the Physical Domain of “Nutrition”?  Explain using details.

Chapter 14 Questions (DO NOT RETYPE EACH QUESTION but DO NUMBER each response.)

  • How can valuing and respecting Human Diversity be integrated into the “Social Skills” dimension of The Social Domain?  Explain using details.
  • How can valuing and respecting Human Diversity be integrated into the “Socialization” dimension of The Social Domain?  Explain using details.
  • How can valuing and respecting Human Diversity be integrated into the “Social Responsibility” dimension of The Social Domain?  Explain using details.
  • How can valuing and respecting Human Diversity be integrated into the “Social Studies” dimension of The Social Domain?  Explain using details.
  1. What is the most significant concept that you have learned about The Social Domain on the basis of your reading, your experiences, and any experiences that you have had with children?  Explain using details.

BONUS QUESTION (optional; worth:  10 possible points):  LABEL this question Bonus Question. 

11.  What is ONE strategy or idea from either Chapter 13 OR Chapter 14 that you would like to incorporate into your own Early Childhood classroom?  Explain using details and give reasons for your selection in a half-page response.

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