The United States and Terrorism

Essay Instructions  Students will write one essay of no more than 2,000 words

Essay Questions

Choose one of the following:

  1. What were the main factors that contributed to the United States’ decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003?
  2. What were the main factors that contributed to the United Kingdom’s decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003?
  3. What explains the U.S. “intelligence failure” on Iraq?
  4. Compare and contrast President Bush and President Obama’s respective approaches to counterterrorism. In this area, did Obama show more or less or the same degree of respect for human rights than Bush?
  5. Compare and contrast President Bush and President Obama’s respective approaches to counterterrorism. Was one approach more effective than the other in countering terrorism?
  6. Why did the United States and its allies fail to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan?
  7. Why did the Taliban win the war in Afghanistan?
  8. What are the key issues underlying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
  9. Why has the Israeli-Palestinian conflict not been resolved?
  10. What are the United States’ most important strategic interests in Asia? What are China’s most important strategic interests? Do these interests clash?
  11. What are the most important factors driving the development of US-China relations?

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