Theme in Fine Arts


Explore a theme using multiple art forms. For your final project, you are the coordinator of a Fine Arts event. You are in charge of building that contains an art gallery, a performance space for dance and theatre, and will be remodeled to your specifications. I want you to choose a theme with which to have a Grand Opening. Don’t make it something so general that it’s meaningless. Make it specific enough that you can shed new light on the topic by combining the experiences of various art forms into one weekend extravaganza. What art work will go in the gallery? What theatre or dance will be performed? Is there music performed/played? How will you re-do the architecture of the space? So a theme of “love” doesn’t really do much, but maybe “the love of a parent for their child” might work. Make sure that you’re very specific with you descriptions, so I can visualize/hear it. Make sure that you give good citations. Have fun with it–it’s your chance to form art from the arts!! Please submit your work in the assignment dropbox in either .doc or .pdf form by midnight on the deadline.

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