Three Phases of Database Design

Please use some of the Connolly text for this project, it’s required for this coursework. I’ve pasted the text from that textbook below.

Here is the reference to add to the reference page:

Connolly, T., & Begg, C. (2014). Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (6th Edition). Pearson Learning Solutions.


Compare and contrast the three phases of database design discussed in the Connolly text. Include a comprehensive explanation of each phase.

In addition, explain how the bottom-up design approach differs from the top-down design approach. Which approach do you believe should be used to design a simple database with a relatively small number of attributes and why? Include the questions with your answers.

Text from the Connolly textbook:

Database design

The process of creating a design that will support the enterprise’s mission statement and mission objectives for the required database system.

In this section we present an overview of the main approaches to database design. We also discuss the purpose and use of data modeling in database design. We then describe the three phases of database design: conceptual, logical, and physical design.

10.6.1 Approaches to Database Design

The two main approaches to the design of a database are referred to as “bottom-up” and “top-down.” The bottom-up approach begins at the fundamental level of attributes (that is, properties of entities and relationships), which through analysis of the associations between attributes are grouped into relations that represent types of entities and relationships between entities. In Chapters 14 and 15 we discuss the process of normalization, which represents a bottom-up approach to database design. Normalization involves the identification of the required attributes and their subsequent aggregation into normalized relations based on functional dependencies between the attributes.

The bottom-up approach is appropriate for the design of simple databases with a relatively small number of attributes. However, this approach becomes difficult when applied to the design of more complex databases with a larger number of attributes, where it is difficult to establish all the functional dependencies between the attributes. As the conceptual and logical data models for complex databases may contain hundreds to thousands of attributes, it is essential to establish an approach that will simplify the design process. Also, in the initial stages of establishing the data requirements for a complex database, it may be difficult to establish all the attributes to be included in the data models.

A more appropriate strategy for the design of complex databases is to use the top-down approach. This approach starts with the development of data models that contain a few high-level entities and relationships and then applies successive top-down refinements to identify lower-level entities, relationships, and the associated attributes. The top-down approach is illustrated using the concepts of the Entity-Relationship (ER) model, beginning with the identification of entities and relationships between the entities, which are of interest to the organization. For example, we may begin by identifying the entities PrivateOwner and PropertyForRent, and then the relationship between these entities, PrivateOwner Owns PropertyForRent, and finally the associated attributes such as PrivateOwner (ownerNo, name, and address) and PropertyForRent (propertyNo and address). Building a high-level data model using the concepts of the ER model is discussed in Chapters 12 and 13.

There are other approaches to database design, such as the inside-out approach and the mixed strategy approach. The inside-out approach is related to the bottom-up approach, but differs by first identifying a set of major entities and then spreading out to consider other entities, relationships, and attributes associated with those first identified. The mixed strategy approach uses both the bottom-up and top-down approach for various parts of the model before finally combining all parts together.

10.6.3 Phases of Database Design

Database design is made up of three main phases: conceptual, logical, and physical design.

Conceptual database design

The process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise, independent of all physical considerations.

TABLE 10.2 The criteria to produce an optimal data model.

Structural validityConsistency with the way the enterprise defines and organizes information.
SimplicityEase of understanding by IS professionals and nontechnical users.
ExpressibilityAbility to distinguish between different data, relationships between data, and constraints.
NonredundancyExclusion of extraneous information; in particular, the representation of any one piece of information exactly once.
ShareabilityNot specific to any particular application or technology and thereby usable by many.
ExtensibilityAbility to evolve to support new requirements with minimal effect on existing users.
IntegrityConsistency with the way the enterprise uses and manages information.
Diagrammatic representationAbility to represent a model using an easily understood diagrammatic notation.

The first phase of database design is called conceptual database design and involves the creation of a conceptual data model of the part of the enterprise that we are interested in modeling. The data model is built using the information documented in the users’ requirements specification. Conceptual database design is entirely independent of implementation details such as the target DBMS software, application programs, programming languages, hardware platform, or any other physical considerations. In Chapter 16, we present a practical step-by-step guide on how to perform conceptual database design.

Throughout the process of developing a conceptual data model, the model is tested and validated against the users’ requirements. The conceptual data model of the enterprise is a source of information for the next phase, namely logical database design.

Logical database design

The process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise based on a specific data model, but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations.

The second phase of database design is called logical database design, which results in the creation of a logical data model of the part of the enterprise that we interested in modeling. The conceptual data model created in the previous phase is refined and mapped onto a logical data model. The logical data model is based on the target data model for the database (for example, the relational data model).

Whereas a conceptual data model is independent of all physical considerations, a logical model is derived knowing the underlying data model of the target DBMS. In other words, we know that the DBMS is, for example, relational, network, hierarchical, or object-oriented. However, we ignore any other aspects of the chosen DBMS and, in particular, any physical details, such as storage structures or indexes.

Throughout the process of developing a logical data model, the model is tested and validated against the users’ requirements. The technique of normalization is used to test the correctness of a logical data model. Normalization ensures that the relations derived from the data model do not display data redundancy, which can cause update anomalies when implemented. In Chapter 14 we illustrate the problems associated with data redundancy and describe the process of normalization in detail. The logical data model should also be examined to ensure that it supports the transactions specified by the users.

The logical data model is a source of information for the next phase, namely physical database design, providing the physical database designer with a vehicle for making trade-offs that are very important to efficient database design. The logical model also serves an important role during the operational maintenance stage of the database system development lifecycle. Properly maintained and kept up to date, the data model allows future changes to application programs or data to be accurately and efficiently represented by the database.

In Chapter 17 we present a practical step-by-step guide for logical database design.

Physical database design

The process of producing a description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage; it describes the base relations, file organizations, and indexes used to achieve efficient access to the data, and any associated integrity constraints and security measures.

Physical database design is the third and final phase of the database design process, during which the designer decides how the database is to be implemented. The previous phase of database design involved the development of a logical structure for the database, which describes relations and enterprise constraints. Although this structure is DBMS-independent, it is developed in accordance with a particular data model, such as the relational, network, or hierarchic. However, in developing the physical database design, we must first identify the target DBMS. Therefore, physical design is tailored to a specific DBMS system. There is feedback between physical and logical design, because decisions are taken during physical design for improving performance that may affect the structure of the logical data model.

In general, the main aim of physical database design is to describe how we intend to physically implement the logical database design. For the relational model, this involves:

  • • creating a set of relational tables and the constraints on these tables from the information presented in the logical data model;
  • • identifying the specific storage structures and access methods for the data to achieve an optimum performance for the database system;
  • • designing security protection for the system.

Ideally, conceptual and logical database design for larger systems should be separated from physical design for three main reasons:

  • • it deals with a different subject matter—the what, not the how;
  • • it is performed at a different time—the what must be understood before the how can be determined;
  • • it requires different skills, which are often found in different people.

Database design is an iterative process that has a starting point and an almost endless procession of refinements. They should be viewed as learning processes. As the designers come to understand the workings of the enterprise and the meanings of its data, and express that understanding in the selected data models, the information gained may well necessitate changes to other parts of the design. In particular, conceptual and logical database designs are critical to the overall success of the system. If the designs are not a true representation of the enterprise, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to define all the required user views or to maintain database integrity. It may even prove difficult to define the physical implementation or to maintain acceptable system performance. On the other hand, the ability to adjust to change is one hallmark of good database design. Therefore, it is worthwhile spending the time and energy necessary to produce the best possible design.

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