Waging War

Come up with and answer a question about the ethics of war. It can deal with current events, or about any of the issues that we have explored thus far. Do not repeat the questions from Paper #1.

1-page, single-spaced papers, 12-point font with normal margins.

References do not count as part of the single page.


Your paper is meant to be an interpretive essay. In other words, your paper should consist of an argument that makes clear the views of the thinker(s) in question on the topic of the paper. Your paper is not supposed to be a mere summary of the work being discussed or a statement of your own opinion about the work or question under consideration.

You will be graded by the following criteria:

The relevance and clarity of your question.

The clarity of your argument. This includes the clarity of your writing as well as the lucid organization of your paper. Avoid wordiness, jargon, and vague terms and phrases. Pay close attention to sentence structure, diction, punctuation and spelling.

Attention to the details of your argument. Clearly state your thesis and then attempt to prove your thesis by offering a focused argument that you develop logically, step by step.
Avoid generalities. Do not cite lecture. Carefully explain and defend each of your assertions, supporting them, wherever appropriate, with textual citations as evidence.

The thoughtfulness of your argument. You do not need to provide the definitive argument in order to do well, but you must give clear and solid reasons for the argument you make and demonstrate careful reading of and thinking about the work(s) you are discussing. To strengthen your argument, it is sometimes helpful to consider what objections a sensible reader might raise against your points.

The extent that you weave in the reading assigned and the lectures. Do not use sources that were not discussed in class.

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