World History Essay

Please respond to one of the three following prompts in a single essay. Your essay must include the following: (1) an introduction with a clearly defined thesis statement; (2) a body consisting of paragraphs, each with a topic sentence and with evidence/examples to support your thesis; (3) and a conclusion that summarizes the main points of your essay. The essay should be double-spaced, twelve font, Times New Roman. Please name your file: last name_final_section (for example, Tadros_midterm_08). You should consider writing 5-7 pages, and no more than 7 pages.


Prompt II:

For this prompt, you have all the material you need in the assigned readings. You should be prepared to utilize the primary sources from Chapter 7 to Chapter 10, Chapter 12 in /LaunchPad. Please use parenthetical referencing when citing any of these sources, for example, (Source 12.2) or (318). You can only use the assigned material (/Launchpad) to respond to these questions.

PROMPT: Compare and contrast the social, economic, and political characteristics of China (during the Tang and Song dynasties), the Caliphate (750-1258 C.E.), and Western Europe (600-1200 C.E.). If you were a pre-modern human and had a choice, in which of these regions would you live? Why?

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